Article R4412-107 of the French Labour Code
The employer must inform the client of any asbestos found during the operation.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part four: Health and safety at work | Book IV: Prevention of certain risks of exposure | Title I: Chemical risks | Chapter II: Chemical risk prevention measures | Section 3: Risks of exposure to asbestos | Subsection 2: Provisions common to all operations involving risks of exposure to asbestos | Paragraph 4: Principles and means of prevention
The employer must inform the client of any asbestos found during the operation.
In order to reduce to the lowest level technically possible the duration and level of exposure of workers and to guarantee the absence of pollution of the buildings, equipment, structures, installations in which or in the environment of which the operations are carried out, the employer shall implement : 1° Techniques and operating procedures to reduce dust, such as robotised work in closed systems, reducing the volatility of asbestos fibres…
During the preparation phase of the operation, the employer shall put in place collective protection measures appropriate to the nature of the operations to be carried out, to prevent the dispersion of asbestos fibres outside the work area and to reduce the concentration of asbestos fibres to the lowest level technically possible. These means include : 1° Dust suppression ; 2° Dust extraction at source; 3° Continuous sedimentation of airborne…
Depending on the levels of dust defined by articles R. 4412-96 and R. 4412-98, the employer shall provide workers with personal protective equipment appropriate to the operations to be carried out and ensuring compliance with the occupational exposure limit value.
The employer shall ensure that the collective protection and personal protection equipment is maintained and renewed in such a way as to guarantee the lowest possible level of dust for the duration of the operation and, in any event, in accordance with the level indicated in the document provided for in Article R. 4412-99. An order of the Minister responsible for work determines the conditions for the selection, maintenance and…
The employer shall take all appropriate measures to ensure that the area dedicated to the operation is signposted and inaccessible to persons other than those who, by reason of their work or duties, are required to enter it. This signage shall mention, in particular, the estimated level of dust from the operations carried out and the personal protective equipment required.
An order issued by the Minister for Employment specifies, depending on the estimated levels of dust and the processes implemented, and in the light of developments in organisation and protection techniques: 1° The technical rules to be complied with by companies carrying out operations ; 2° The means of collective protection; 3° Individual protection equipment; 4° Measures to protect the site environment; 5° Provisions applicable at the end of the…
Where the employer finds that the level of dust exceeds the level estimated in the single risk assessment document and that, as a result, compliance with the occupational exposure limit value is no longer guaranteed, he shall suspend operations until measures have been implemented to remedy the situation. In order to verify the effectiveness of these measures, it will immediately carry out a new dust level check.
When, during the performance of operations, the level of dust found is higher than the third level, the employer suspends the operations and alerts the client, the Labour Inspectorate control agent and the agent of the prevention services of the social security organisations. The employer will take steps to reduce the level of dust.
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