Article L6323-1 of the French Labour Code
The personal training account is opened and closed under the conditions defined in article L. 5151-2.
The personal training account is opened and closed under the conditions defined in article L. 5151-2.
The personal training account is denominated in euros and can be used by employees, jobseekers, the self-employed, members of the liberal professions, the self-employed and collaborating spouses to undertake training on their own initiative. The account may only be used with the express agreement of the account holder. Refusal by the account holder to use the account does not constitute a fault.
The rights registered on the personal training account remain acquired in the event of a change in the holder’s professional situation or loss of employment. Rights acquired in hours, in accordance with article 22 quater of law no. 83-634 of 13 July 1983 on the rights and obligations of civil servants, are retained and converted into euros for the benefit of any person who, at the time of their request,…
I.-The rights registered on the personal training account enable its holder to finance training that is eligible for the account, within the meaning of articles L. 6323-6, L. 6323-21, L. 6323-31 and L. 6323-34. The holder contributes to the funding of eligible training under the conditions set out in article L. 6323-7. II -When the cost of this training exceeds the amount of rights registered in the account or the…
I.-The following training courses are eligible for the personal training account: those leading to professional certifications registered in the national register provided for in article L. 6113-1, those leading to attestations of validation of blocks of skills within the meaning of the same article L. 6113-1 and those leading to certifications and authorisations registered in the specific register provided for in article L. 6113-6 , including in particular certification relating…
The account may be used by its holder to pay for training abroad under the conditions set out in article L. 6323-6.
The contribution referred to in I of article L. 6323-4 may be proportional to the cost of the training, subject to a ceiling, or set at a lump sum. The contribution is payable neither by jobseekers nor by account holders when the training is subject to a top-up contribution as provided for in 2° of II of the same article L. 6323-4. The procedures for implementing this article, in particular…
I. – All account holders are informed of the amount of entitlement in their account and the top-ups they may receive by accessing a free dematerialised service. This dematerialised service also provides information on eligible training courses. It is responsible for paying for the training courses from the moment the account holder registers for the courses until payment is made to the service providers mentioned in article L. 6351-1. II…
Any commercial canvassing of holders of a personal training account, by telephone, by message from an interpersonal communications service, by electronic mail or on an online social networking service, with the aim of : 1° Collecting their personal data, in particular the amount of rights recorded on the account mentioned in the first paragraph of this article and their identification data enabling access to the dematerialised service mentioned in I…
The Caisse des dépôts et consignations manages the personal training account, the dematerialised service, its general conditions of use and the automated processing mentioned in article L. 6323-8 under the conditions set out in chapter III of title III of this book. The general conditions of use specify the commitments entered into by the account holders and the service providers mentioned in article L. 6351-1.
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