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Article R613-24 of the French Monetary and Financial Code

I. – Where the competent court or the Autorité de contrôle prudentiel et de résolution decides to take a reorganisation or winding-up measure in respect of a credit institution with one or more branches in another Member State within the meaning of Article L. 613-31-1, the Autorité de contrôle prudentiel et de résolution shall immediately inform the competent authority for the supervision of credit institutions in each Member State concerned….

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Article R613-25 of the French Monetary and Financial Code

I. – The administrator or liquidator appointed in the context of proceedings initiated in respect of a credit institution having its registered office in France shall cause an extract of the following measures to be published as soon as possible in the Official Journal of the European Union and in two newspapers having national circulation in each Member State in which the institution has a branch: 1° The measures referred…

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Article R613-26 of the French Monetary and Financial Code

I. – Pursuant to article 66 of decree no. 85-1388 of 27 December 1985 referred to in II of article R. 613-25, the judicial representative shall notify known creditors that they are required to declare their claims to him. This notice is entitled: “Invitation to file a claim. Délais à respecter”. This heading is written in all the official languages of the European Union. The judicial representative also sends known…

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Article R613-27 of the French Monetary and Financial Code

In the event of the implementation of a reorganisation measure or the opening of winding-up proceedings in respect of a credit institution, proof of the appointment of an administrator or liquidator by the Member State within the territory of which the registered office of that institution is situated shall be established by the presentation of a certified copy of the original of the instrument appointing him or of any other…

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Article R613-28 of the French Monetary and Financial Code

I.-A security, claim, instrument or right is deemed to be unstructured within the meaning of 4° of I of Article L. 613-30-3 a security, claim, instrument or right that has the following characteristics: 1° The principal issued or borrowed, its repayment and the payment of interest or coupons are denominated in euros or in a single currency; 2° The minimum initial maturity of the security, debt claim, instrument or right…

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