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Article A663-27 of the French Commercial code

I. – The emoluments provided for in I of Article R. 663-29 are set proportionally: 1° To the amount of the total price, inclusive of all taxes, of the assets sold, after deduction of the remuneration, inclusive of all taxes, of the participants, other than the liquidator, who took part in the sale transactions, in the case of sales of tangible movable assets (number 13 of Table 4-3) ; 2°…

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Article A663-28 of the French Commercial code

The fee provided for in Article R. 663-30 in respect of the distribution to the creditors mentioned in Article L. 622-24 and payments of the claims mentioned in I of Article L. 641-13 (number 16 of table 4-3) is set in proportion to the cumulative amount of sums collected by all creditors or deposited with the Caisse des dépôts et consignations, according to the following scale: ASSET RANGES IN €…

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Article A663-29 of the French Commercial code

The fee provided for in Article R. 663-31-1 in respect of actions brought pursuant to the provisions of the first paragraph of article L. 653-7 is set at 300 euros per action brought resulting in the imposition of a sanction provided for in articles L. 653-3 to L. 653-6 and article L. 653-8 (number 18 in table 4-3). This fee is doubled if the sanction is upheld on appeal.

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