Article R821-9 of the French Commercial code
The functions of member of the High Council are incompatible with any function within the Compagnie nationale des commissaires aux comptes or a regional company.
Home | French Legislation Articles | French Commercial code | Regulatory part | BOOK VIII: Some regulated professions. | TITLE II: Statutory Auditors. | Chapter I: Organisation and supervision of the profession | Section 1: Organisation of the profession | Subsection 1: The High Council of Statutory Auditors | Paragraph 2: Members and departments of the High Council
The functions of member of the High Council are incompatible with any function within the Compagnie nationale des commissaires aux comptes or a regional company.
Servants of the High Council are entitled to reimbursement of their travel and subsistence expenses under the conditions laid down in the Rules of Procedure. .
Subject to the provisions of article L. 821-3-1, the departments of the High Council are headed, under the authority of the Chairman, by a Chief Executive Officer. The Director General is appointed by the President for a renewable term of three years from among magistrates of the Cour des Comptes, magistrates, administrators of the National Assembly or Senate or category A civil servants. The President may also appoint as Director…
The Director General attends the deliberations of the High Council when it is not sitting in a restricted formation. The Director General attends the deliberations of the High Council when it is not sitting in a restricted formation.
In addition to the remuneration fixed by contract with the High Council, the Director General receives a lump-sum expense allowance set by order of the Minister of Justice.
The general rapporteur is appointed by the chairman of the High Council from among the magistrates of the judiciary for a renewable term of three years. In addition to his remuneration fixed by contract with the High Council, he receives a fixed allowance for his duties, which is set by order of the Minister of Justice. The general rapporteur may, in the event of absence or impediment, delegate his duties…
The staff of the departments of the High Council is composed in accordance with Article 16 of Law No. 2017-55 of 20 January 2017 on the general statute of independent administrative authorities and independent public authorities. The High Council may make public-law contract staff and private-law contract staff available to another public employer or to a European Union or international body, or have staff made available to it by another…
I. – Public law contract staff, private law contract staff and public law staff seconded or made available to the High Council, who make up the staff of its departments, shall be eligible to vote and to stand for election to staff representative institutions under the conditions laid down by the code du travail. These representative institutions exercise their powers in respect of all such staff. II. – The Haut…
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