Article R1142-63-27 of the French Public Health Code
The Chairman of the Board may order any additional expert opinion that he deems useful. He shall inform the claimant, who may be assisted by any person of his choice.
Home | French Legislation Articles | French Public Health Code | Regulatory part | Part One: General health protection | Book I: Health protection for individuals | Title IV: Compensation for the consequences of health risks | Chapter II: Health risks arising from the operation of the healthcare system | Section 4b: Compensation for victims of sodium valproate or its derivatives | Subsection 3: Expertise procedure
The Chairman of the Board may order any additional expert opinion that he deems useful. He shall inform the claimant, who may be assisted by any person of his choice.
Any experts appointed by the Chairman of the College shall send their draft report to the claimant and, where applicable, to the claimant’s counsel, who shall have a period of fifteen days in which to submit their observations. Within two months of their appointment, the experts will send the College their expert report, including their response to any comments.
The Office covers the cost of expert assessments. Within the limit of their respective share of liability, it shall request reimbursement from the persons considered liable other than the State or their insurers, in application of articles L. 1142-24-16 or L. 1142-24-17.
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