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Article R1333-68 of the French Public Health Code

I.-The use of ionising radiation on the human body is reserved for doctors and dental surgeons who can prove that they have the skills required to perform procedures using ionising radiation and, under the conditions defined in article L. 4351-1, for medical electroradiology technicians. Healthcare professionals who have received appropriate training in the medical use of ionising radiation may be involved in the procedures for performing the acts. II –…

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Article R1333-69 of the French Public Health Code

I. – The initial training of healthcare professionals who carry out procedures using ionising radiation or who take part in such procedures includes teaching relating to the radiation protection of patients. II. – A decision by the Nuclear Safety Authority, approved by the Minister for Health, shall determine the objectives of continuing training in the radiation protection of patients and the rules to be complied with by the organisations responsible…

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Article R1333-70 of the French Public Health Code

I.-The quality assurance system provided for in Article L. 1333-19 corresponds to the set of actions aimed at guaranteeing the quality and safety of medical procedures using ionising radiation for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes. This system includes : 1° A statement of quality controls for medical devices as provided for in Article R. 5212-25 ; 2° A report on the recording and analysis of events that may lead to accidental…

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Article R1333-71 of the French Public Health Code

The person carrying out the procedure using ionising radiation for medical purposes must take all necessary steps, particularly within the framework of the quality assurance system, to reduce the probability and extent of accidental or unintentional exposure.

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Article R1333-72 of the French Public Health Code

For each piece of equipment and for each category of patient concerned, in particular children and pregnant or breastfeeding women, the person performing the procedure draws up a written procedure for each type of procedure. These procedures take account of good practice recommendations and are updated to reflect the state of the art. They are permanently available near the equipment concerned. They are checked as part of the clinical audit.

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Article R1333-73 of the French Public Health Code

When the owner of a medical device emitting ionising radiation makes it available to a self-employed health professional, he must ensure that it is working properly and that the persons required to use it are qualified. He must provide the Regional Health Agency and the Nuclear Safety Authority with a list of these professionals and their contact details.

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