Article R1333-108 of the French Public Health Code
The provisions of this sub-section define the declaration procedures required, pursuant to article L. 1333-8, for the nuclear activities mentioned in articles R. 1333-109 and R. 1333-110.
Home | French Legislation Articles | French Public Health Code | Regulatory part | Part One: General health protection | Book III: Health protection and the environment | Title III: Prevention of environmental and occupational health risks | Chapter III: Ionising radiation | Section 6: Main administrative regime for nuclear activities, excluding the transport of radioactive substances | Subsection 2: Declarations
The provisions of this sub-section define the declaration procedures required, pursuant to article L. 1333-8, for the nuclear activities mentioned in articles R. 1333-109 and R. 1333-110.
The manufacture, possession or use of ionising radiation sources is subject to declaration when the activity meets one of the following two conditions: 1° The weighted sum of the radionuclide activity mass concentrations divided by the declaration limit value set in the fourth column of table 2 ofappendix 13-8 for each of these radionuclides is less than 1 and the activity is not exempt pursuant to article R. 1333-106. This…
Following the generic review referred to in Article R. 1333-135, the Nuclear Safety Authority may decide that a nuclear activity falls under the declaration regime when the general requirements it has imposed for the performance of this activity are complied with.
I.-The declaration referred to in articles R. 1333-109 and R. 1333-110 must be submitted to the French Nuclear Safety Authority before the nuclear activity is carried out. II – If a nuclear activity mentioned in articles R. 1333-109 and R. 1333-110 is carried out by the same person in charge in the same establishment as a nuclear activity subject to authorisation, a single application for authorisation may be submitted for…
After checking that the declaration submitted by the natural or legal person responsible for the nuclear activity is in order and complete, the Nuclear Safety Authority issues a receipt for the declaration.
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