Article L2195-1 of the French Public procurement code
Without prejudice to the provisions of article L. 6 and special legislative provisions, the purchaser may terminate the contract in the cases provided for in this chapter.
Home | French Legislation Articles | French Public procurement code | Legislative part | PART TWO: PUBLIC PROCUREMENT | Book I: GENERAL PROVISIONS | Title IX: PERFORMANCE OF THE CONTRACT | Chapter V: Termination of the contract
Without prejudice to the provisions of article L. 6 and special legislative provisions, the purchaser may terminate the contract in the cases provided for in this chapter.
The purchaser may terminate the contract in the event of force majeure.
Where the contract is an administrative contract, the purchaser may terminate it: 1° In the event of sufficiently serious misconduct on the part of the co-contractor; 2° For a reason of general interest, in accordance with the provisions of 5° of article L. 6.
If, during the performance of the contract, the contractor is placed in one of the cases of exclusion mentioned in articles L. 2141-1 to L. 2141-11, he shall inform the purchaser of this change in situation without delay. The purchaser may then terminate the contract for this reason. However, the purchaser may not terminate the contract for the sole reason that the economic operator is the subject of receivership proceedings…
Where a contract should not have been awarded to an economic operator on the grounds of a serious breach of the obligations laid down by European Union procurement law which has been recognised by the Court of Justice of the European Union under the procedure provided for in Article 258 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, the purchaser may cancel the contract.
The purchaser may terminate the contract where performance of the contract cannot be continued without a modification contrary to the provisions of Chapter IV of this Title.
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