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Article R2372-2 of the French Public procurement code

For project management contracts that meet a need whose estimated value is equal to or greater than the formal procedure thresholds, the purchaser may use: 1° a restricted invitation to tender under the conditions laid down in Article R. 2372-3 ; 2° Or use the procedure with negotiation under the conditions laid down in Article R. 2372-4 ; 3° Or use the procedure without prior publication or competitive tendering where…

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Article R2372-4 of the French Public procurement code

When the procedure with negotiation is used, the purchaser, after obtaining the opinion of the jury composed in accordance with the provisions of article R. 2371-6, draws up the list of candidates admitted to negotiate, the number of which may not be less than three, unless the number of candidates is insufficient.

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Article R2372-5 of the French Public procurement code

For the award of a project management contract relating to the refurbishment of a structure, the purchaser may use a competitive dialogue when the conditions for using this procedure are met. A jury may be set up in accordance with the provisions of article R. 2371-6. In this case, it examines the applications and formulates a reasoned opinion on them in a report. The purchaser draws up the list of…

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