Article R2172-21 of the French Public procurement code
The decision referred to in article R. 2172-20 is indicated in the contract notice or in another consultation document.
Home | French Legislation Articles | French Public procurement code | Regulatory part | PART TWO: PUBLIC PROCUREMENT | Book I: GENERAL PROVISIONS | Title VII: RULES APPLICABLE TO CERTAIN MARKETS | Chapter II: RULES APPLICABLE TO CERTAIN CONTRACTS BASED ON THEIR PURPOSE | Section 3: Innovation partnerships | Subsection 1: Content of the innovation partnership
The decision referred to in article R. 2172-20 is indicated in the contract notice or in another consultation document.
In the consultation documents, the purchaser defines the need for innovative products, services or works. It shall indicate the elements of this definition which lay down the minimum requirements to be met by all tenders. The information provided shall be sufficiently precise to enable economic operators to determine the nature and scope of the solution required and to decide whether or not to apply to take part in the procedure.
The innovation partnership comprises one or more successive phases that follow the progress of the research and development process and one or more phases of acquisition of the products, services or work that are the result.The structure, duration and value of the different phases of the innovation partnership take into account the degree of innovation of the proposed solution, and the duration and cost of the research and innovation activities…
The innovation partnership defines the objectives for each phase that the partner must achieve, as well as the remuneration associated with each phase.
The distribution of intellectual property rights, particularly with regard to the results of the research and development phases, is provided for in the innovation partnership.
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