Article R5429-1 of the French Labour Code
Failure to comply with the provisions of the first paragraph of article L. 5422-13 and articles L. 5422-14 and R. 5422-5 to R. 5422-8 is punishable by a fifth-class fine.
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Failure to comply with the provisions of the first paragraph of article L. 5422-13 and articles L. 5422-14 and R. 5422-5 to R. 5422-8 is punishable by a fifth-class fine.
Any employer who has wrongly withheld the employee contribution provided for in article L. 5422-9 and deducted it from wages shall be liable to the fine provided for fifth-class offences.
Failure to comply with the formal notice provided for in article D. 5424-43 within the fifteen-day period is punishable by the fine provided for third-class offences, without prejudice to an order, by the same judgment, to pay the sum representing the contributions as well as interest for late payment. The fine is applied as many times as there are persons for whom salary declarations or contribution payments have not been…
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