Article R1331-24 of the French Public Health Code
Residential premises do not have deteriorated coatings containing lead in concentrations above the thresholds and under the conditions mentioned inarticle L. 1334-2.
Home | French Legislation Articles | French Public Health Code | Regulatory part | Part One: General health protection | Book III: Health protection and the environment | Title III: Prevention of environmental and occupational health risks | Chapter I: Hygiene of buildings and built-up areas | Section 3: Health and hygiene of residential premises | Subsection 3: Health conditions inherent in residential premises
Residential premises do not have deteriorated coatings containing lead in concentrations above the thresholds and under the conditions mentioned inarticle L. 1334-2.
The structure (floor, roof, walls, openings), the major works, as defined in the article R. 111-2 du code de la construction et de l’habitation, ensure the protection provided by the article R. 151-2 du même code, dwelling premises against rising water, seepage and damp, as well as against parasitic air infiltration. In addition, to prevent any stagnation of water in buildings and their surroundings, courtyards, courtyards, terraces, balconies, corridors, roof…
All dwellings are equipped with : 1° an internal drinking water supply ; 2° a waste water drainage system; 3° a hot water supply; 4° a shower room; 5° a toilet; 6° an electrical installation 7° a heating system 8° a natural or mechanical heat regulation system; 9° an air renewal system; 10° a light-shading device. Without prejudice to the regulations applicable to them, these installations, equipment and devices comply…
Drinking water is supplied by a public distribution network, a spring or a private well under the conditions set out in articles L. 1321-4 and L. 1321-7.
The wastewater drainage system is in good working order, perfectly watertight and presents no disorder or risk to health or the environment.
The hot water point is adequately supplied at all times of the day and night. This obligation does not apply to homes located in communities governed byArticle 73 of the French Constitution.
I.-The shower room has a washbasin and a bath or shower. The lavatory may form a single room with the shower room. The materials used for the floors, walls and ceilings of the shower room and lavatory, as well as their sanitary fittings, are easy to clean and the floors are waterproof. The shower room and lavatory have a permanent supply of water, both hot and cold water for the…
The electrical installation is secure and includes a general cut-off device for the power supply in the home.
The heating system must be fixed, adapted to the characteristics of the dwelling, in particular its insulation and fittings, and must ensure that its occupants are comfortable in cold weather. This obligation does not apply to dwellings located in local authorities governed byArticle 73 of the French Constitution. Equipment such as barbecues, mobile gas stoves and braziers may not be used for supplementary heating.
The dwelling has a functional and adequate heat regulation system, which can be provided by various means such as thermal insulation, the presence of shutters, the possibility of night ventilation, the existence of a puits provençal, or a combination of these.
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