The purely material errors or omissions which, pursuant to Article 99-1 of the Civil Code, may be rectified by the civil registrar, are:
1° An error or omission in a civil status record, proof of which is provided by the birth record of the person concerned, his or her parent or any other person named in the record in question, where the birth record is held by a French civil registrar ;
2° An error or omission relating to a statement or mention made in the margin of a civil status record, with the exception of those made on the instructions of the public prosecutor, where proof of the error or omission is provided by production of the record, declaration or decision that it mentions or that it omitted.
By exception:
a) An error or omission appearing in a marriage record may be rectified only on production of the documents added to the marriage record;
b) An omission in the affixing of an entry shall be rectified by a new dispatch of the notice of entry ;
3° An entry wrongly made in the margin of a birth record, where the civil registrar holds the record from which the entry originated;
4° An error in the domicile or occupation mentioned in a civil status record on production of supporting documents;
5° An error relating to the date of birth or death in a civil status record, on production of a certificate of delivery or death;
6° An error relating to the civil registrar who drew up the civil status record ;
7° An error relating to one or more forenames mentioned in a birth record, on production of the certificate of delivery or a copy of the birth register held by the establishment of the place of delivery;
8° An error relating to the material presentation of a surname composed of several vocables in civil status records.
The person concerned, his or her legal representative(s) or the person responsible for his or her protection within the meaning of article 425 of the Civil Code produce, in support of their application for rectification, a full copy of the civil status records dating back less than three months.
The civil registrar who holds the record containing the initial error will make the rectifications to that record. He shall also update the other civil status records affected by the same error; where he is not the custodian, he shall send a notice of mention to each of the civil status registrars who are custodians of these records in accordance with Article 49 of the Civil Code.
The civil registrar informs the person to whom the record relates, his or her legal representative(s) or the person responsible for his or her protection within the meaning of article 425 of the Civil Code of the rectification made.