Until the reconstitution or restitution of the registers has been carried out, notarial acts which, at the termes de l’article 46 du code civil, peuvent suppléer tous les actes de l’état civil dont les originaux ont été détruis ou sont disparus par suite d’un sinistre ou de faits de guerre, sont, sous réserve des dispositions du 3° de l’article 679 of this code, are exempt from registration duties and exempt, where applicable, from formality.
These provisions are applicable to the deeds of notoriety referred to in the Article 1 of Order no. 62-800 of 16 July 1962 facilitating the proof of civil status records drawn up in Algeria as well as the article 4 of law no. 68-671 of 25 July 1968 relating to the civil status of French nationals who have lived in Algeria or in the former French overseas or trust territories that have become independent.