The central authority designated under the international and European instruments relating to the international wrongful removal of children shall transmit to the public prosecutor at the judicial court with territorial jurisdiction pursuant to article L. 211-12 of the Code of Judicial Organisation the request for return submitted to it.
I. – When the request concerns a child who has been moved or retained in France, the Public Prosecutor shall, upon receipt, order all actions necessary to locate the child or confirm his or her whereabouts. If a court has been seised on the merits of the case regarding the arrangements for exercising parental authority, the public prosecutor shall inform it of the request for return.
The public prosecutor may also:
1° Take any measure with a view to ensuring the voluntary return of the child, in particular by arranging for the person alleged to have removed or retained the child to be heard and inviting him or her to voluntarily return the child, or to facilitate an amicable solution;
2° Order any investigation, examination or expert report that he or she deems necessary ;
3° Refer the matter to the competent judge so that he can order the provisional measures provided for by law or, where appropriate, transmit the necessary information to the public prosecutor at the territorially competent judicial court for the same purposes;
4° Initiate legal proceedings in order to obtain the return of the child.
II. – Where the request concerns a child who has been moved or retained abroad, the public prosecutor may order any investigative measure in order to gather information on the child and his or her material, family and social environment that has been requested by the foreign central authority.
The public prosecutor may also take any measures that he or she deems useful in order to ensure the protection of the child after his or her return or, where appropriate, forward the relevant information to the public prosecutor at the territorially competent judicial court for the same purposes.