The judge who rules on the transfer of the priority question of constitutionality is the judge hearing the proceedings in which that question is raised, subject to the following paragraphs.
The judge responsible for the preparation of the case, as well as the judge of the court of appeal responsible for hearing the case, shall rule by order on the transfer of the priority question of constitutionality raised before him. Where the question justifies it, he may also refer the case back to the bench, if necessary without closing the investigation, so that it can rule on the referral of the question. This referral decision is a measure of judicial administration.
The president of the judgment panel of the tribunal paritaire des baux ruraux, of the tribunal judiciaire spécialement désigné en application de l’article L. 211-16, of the cour d’appel spécialement désignée en application de l’article L. 311-16 du code de l’organisation judiciaire and the Cour nationale de l’incapacité et de la tarification de l’assurance des accidents du travail shall rule on the referral of the question.