In the event of loss of standing crops as a result of hail, frost, flooding, fire or other extraordinary events, a proportional reduction in the property tax relating for the current year to the plots affected is granted to the taxpayer, on a claim submitted in the forms and within the time limits laid down in the tax procedure book.
When crop losses affect a significant part of the commune, the mayor may make a collective claim on behalf of all the taxpayers concerned, which is presented and investigated under the conditions provided for by the same book.
No property tax relief is granted for crop losses suffered as a result of hail by uninsured farmers. However, until the promulgation of the law referred to in article 1 of law no. 50-960 of 8 August 1950, affected farmers not insured against hail benefit from the reliefs provided for in this article in the same way as insured farmers.
In the event of livestock losses as a result of an epizootic, the farmer may apply for a reduction in property tax corresponding to the amount of losses suffered on his livestock, provided that he submits a certificate from the mayor of his commune, accompanied by a certificate duly drawn up by the attending veterinarian.
The court may order forfeiture of the benefit of the measures provided for in this article against offenders of the provisions of articles L. 223-3, L. 223-18 and L. 223-19 of the Code rural et de la pêche maritime, relating to compulsory vaccination against foot-and-mouth disease.