I.- Owners of premises used for residential purposes are required to declare to the tax authorities, before 1 July each year, information relating to the nature of the occupation of these premises if they reserve the right to use them or, if they are occupied by third parties, to the identity of the occupant or occupants of these premises, in accordance with the procedures laid down by decree.
Owners of premises for which no change in the information provided has occurred since the last declaration are exempt from this requirement.
Owners of premises for which no change in the information provided has occurred since the last declaration are exempt from this requirement.
Owners of premises for which there has been no change in the information provided since the last declaration are exempt from making this declaration.
II-This declaration is submitted electronically by owners whose main residence is equipped with Internet access.
Those owners who indicate in the declaration that they have access to the Internet are exempt from this requirement.
Owners who indicate to the administration that they are unable to submit the declaration electronically, and owners whose main residence does not have Internet access, will use the other means made available to them by the administration.
II.-The declaration is submitted electronically by owners whose main residence has Internet access.