With the exception of the levy mentioned in XIX of article 1647 made for the benefit of the State, the product of the tax on electricity production installations using mechanical wind energy at sea mentioned in article 1519 B, for the part relating to installations located in inland waters or the territorial sea, is allocated to the bodies and according to the following percentages:
1° 50% is allocated to the coastal communes from which installations are visible. In the distribution of this product among the communes, account is taken of the distance separating the installations from one of the points on the territory of the communes concerned and the population of the latter. By way of exception, when the installations are visible from several départements, the distribution is made jointly in the départements concerned;
2° 35% is allocated to the committees mentioned in article L. 912-1 of the Rural and Maritime Fishing Code for the financing of projects contributing to the sustainable development of fishing and marine farming. This percentage is distributed as follows: 15% to the Comité national des pêches maritimes et des élevages marins, 10% to the comités régionaux des pêches maritimes et des élevages marins within whose jurisdiction the facilities are located and 10% to the comités départementaux et interdépartementaux des pêches maritimes et des élevages marins within whose jurisdiction the facilities are located. If there is no departmental committee, the percentage benefits the corresponding regional committee;
3° (Repealed)
3° bis 10% is allocated, at the level of the maritime facade, to the French Office for Biodiversity;
4° 5% is allocated to the bodies mentioned in Article L. 742-9 of the Internal Security Code.
The procedures for distributing, allocating and using the proceeds of the tax, defining the categories of eligible operations and organising State control are specified by decree.