I. – A tax is established, known as the apprenticeship tax, the proceeds of which promote equal access to apprenticeship and contribute to the financing of actions aimed at developing apprenticeship under the conditions set out in Article L. 6241-2 of the Labour Code.
The apprenticeship tax is payable by the employers mentioned in articles L. 6331-1 and L. 6331-3 of the French Labour Code and liable for corporation tax, as well as by natural persons and companies that have opted for the tax treatment of partnerships, when these persons and companies carry out an activity mentioned in articles 34 and 35 of this code.
II. – For the application of the provisions of I of this article and in accordance with article L. 152 of the tax procedures book, tax administration officials shall communicate, under conditions set by decree, to the bodies mentioned in articles L. 213-1 et L. 752-4 of the Social Security Code the list of employers liable for corporation tax mentioned in I of this article.
III. – By way of derogation from I, the following are not liable for this tax:
1° Companies and legal entities whose exclusive purpose is nursery, primary, secondary, higher, agricultural technical, industrial and commercial, technological education and all medical and paramedical disciplines placed under the authority of the ministry responsible for health;
2° Agricultural employers’ groups mentioned in the article L. 1253-1 du code du travail;
3° Mutual societies and mutualist organisations mentioned in 6, 7, 9 and 10 of article 206 of this code;
4° Non-profit-making associations, organisations, foundations, endowment funds, congregations, unions mentioned in 1 bis of the same article 206 and in 5°, 5° bis and 11° of 1 of article 207 ;
5° Agricultural cooperative supply and purchasing companies and unions of agricultural cooperative supply and purchasing companies;
6° Cooperative societies for the production, processing, conservation and sale of agricultural products and unions of cooperative societies for the production, processing, conservation and sale of agricultural products referred to in 3° of 1 of Article 207 ;
7° Les coopératives et unions artisanales, maritimes, de transport fluvial et d’entreprises de transports mentionnés au 3° bis du même 1;
8° Les organismes d’habitations à loyer modéré mentionnés à l’article L. 411-2 of the Code de la construction et de l’habitation, sociétés anonymes de crédit immobilier which carry out only the activities set out in I and II of article L. 422-4 of the same code as well as social economy unions;
9° The cooperative building societies designated in the article L. 432-2 du code de la construction et de l’habitation.
The performance of ancillary commercial activities by employers not liable for this tax pursuant to this III does not affect the benefit of the exemption.
IV. – The employers referred to in I who employ one or more apprentices with whom they have signed an apprenticeship contract under the conditions set out in articles L. 6221-1 to L. 6225-8 of the French Labour Code are exempt from the monthly apprenticeship tax when the monthly remuneration due by these employers, as taken into account to determine the basis of assessment for contributions defined in the article L. 242-1 of the Social Security Code, do not exceed six times the amount of the monthly minimum growth wage in force during the period of employment in respect of which the remuneration is due. The procedures for implementing this exemption are defined by decree.