The provisions of the second paragraph of 2° of article 83, of a bis, a ter, b bis of 18° and 18° bis of article 81, of article 163 bis AA and du d du 1 du I de l’article 163 quatervicies do not apply to the portion corresponding to payments into a retirement savings plan mentioned in article L. 224-1 of the Monetary and Financial Code under the additional guarantees provided for in 4° to 6° of article L. 142-3 of the Insurance Code.
The a bis, a ter and b bis of 18° and 18° bis of the article 81, the second paragraph of 2° of article 83 and article 163 bis AA do not apply to payments made into a French sub-account of the pan-European individual retirement savings product mentioned in article L. 225-1 of the Monetary and Financial Code. Neither does d of 1 of I of article 163 quatervicies of the present code apply to the portion corresponding to payments under the additional guarantees provided for in 4° of article L. 142-3 of the Insurance Code.