I. – The insurance undertakings, provident institutions and unions mentioned in I of Article L. 132-9-3 of the Insurance Code, as well as the mutual insurers or unions mentioned in Article L. 223-10-2 of the Mutual Insurance Code and similar bodies established in France, declare the subscription and settlement of capitalisation contracts or similar investments, in particular life insurance contracts.
II. – The companies, legal entities, institutions and organisations mentioned in I also declare each year in respect of these contracts:
1° For non-redeemable life insurance contracts taken out since 20 November 1991, the cumulative amount of premiums paid between the policyholder’s seventieth birthday and 1 January of the year of the declaration, where this amount is greater than or equal to €7,500;
2° For other contracts, regardless of when they were taken out, the cumulative amount of premiums paid on 1 January of the year of the declaration and the surrender value or the amount of capital guaranteed, including in the form of an annuity, on the same date, where this amount or value is greater than or equal to €7,500.
III. – The declarations provided for in I and II shall be made in accordance with the conditions and deadlines laid down by decree in the Conseil d’Etat.