Any association that has been duly registered for at least five years on the date of the incident and whose statutory purpose includes defending or assisting children at risk and victims of all forms of abuse may exercise the rights granted to civil parties in respect of intentional attacks on life and limb, assaults and other sexual attacks committed on a minor and offences involving the endangerment of minors punishable by the articles 221-1 to 221-5, 222-1 à 222-18-1, 222-23 à 222-33-1, 223-1 à 223-10, 223-13, 224-1 à 224-5, 225-7 à 225-9, 225-12-1 à 225-12-4,227-1, 227-2, 227-15 to 227-27-1 of the Criminal Code, where the public prosecution has been initiated by the public prosecutor or the injured party.
Any association, registered with the Ministry of Justice under conditions laid down by decree in the Council of State, shall be admissible in its action even if the public prosecution has not been initiated by the public prosecutor or the injured party in respect of the offence referred to in l’article 227-23 du code pénal. The same applies when the provisions of the second paragraph of Article 222-22 and article 227-27-1 of the said code.
A foundation recognised as being in the public interest may exercise the rights recognised as a civil party under the same conditions and subject to the same reservations as the association mentioned in this article.