The holder of the claim referred to in 7° of Article 2402 conserves its mortgage by the double registration made:
1° By the author of the police order issued pursuant to article L. 184-1 du code de la construction et de l’habitation for measures enacted under penalty of a ban on living in or using the premises or permanent closure of the establishment or article L. 511-11 of the same code including a summary assessment of the cost of the measures or work to be carried out;
2° Of the debt recovery title by its author.
For claims arising from the application of chapitre Ier du titre Ier du livre V ou de l’article L. 521-3-2 du code de la construction et de l’habitation when the demolition of the building declared insalubrious or threatening ruin has been ordered, the mortgage takes precedence up to the amount assessed or that of the recovery order, if it is lower, from the first registration and from the second registration for the fraction of the amount of the recovery order that would be higher than the amount resulting from the first registration.
For other claims, the mortgage is retained up to the lesser of the assessed amount or the amount of the debt recovery instrument.