Persons who make investments benefiting from the provisions set out in Articles 199 undecies A, 199 undecies B, 199 undecies C, 217 undecies, 217 duodecies, 244 quater W, 244 quater X or 244 quater Y declare to the tax authorities the nature, location, financing arrangements and operating conditions of these investments. When the investments are made by legal entities with a view to being leased, the declaration must indicate the identity of the lessee and, in the cases provided for by law, the amount of the fraction of the tax aid passed on to the lessee. A receipt is issued for the declaration.
This information is transmitted on an electronic medium within the same deadline as that set for filing the income tax return for the financial year during which the investments referred to in the first paragraph are made or completed in the case of buildings, in accordance with the procedures laid down by decree.