I. – 1. Persons who ensure the payment of income distributed by a real estate investment trust, as mentioned in a du 1 du II de l’article 239 nonies, are required to declare, on the declaration mentioned in article 242 ter, the identity and address of the beneficiaries and details of the amount taxable under the rules referred to in articles 28 to 33 quinquies.
Persons who ensure the payment of income distributed by a real estate investment trust, mentioned in e of 1° of II of article 239 nonies, are required to declare, on the declaration mentioned in article 242 ter, the identity and address of the beneficiaries and details of the amount taxable pursuant to articles 36 to 60 and du 2 du II de l’article 239 nonies.
2. For the application of the provisions of 1, the management company of the real estate investment trust, mentioned in article L. 214-61 of the Monetary and Financial Code, provides the persons mentioned in 1 with the information necessary to identify the holders and to determine the fraction of distributed income and the fraction of net taxable income corresponding to their rights.
3. A copy of the declaration mentioned in 1 must be sent to the beneficiaries of the income concerned.
It must be sent to the tax authorities using a computerised process.
II. – The persons who ensure the payment of the distributed capital gains mentioned in article 150-0 F and the income and profits mentioned in III of article 239 nonies are also required to include the identity and address of the beneficiaries and details of the taxable amount on the declaration mentioned in 1 of I.