A simple adoption confers the adopter’s name on the adopted person by adding it to the latter’s name. However, if the adopted person is over thirteen years of age, he or she must consent to this addition.
Where the adopted person and the adopter, or one of them, bear a double surname, the name conferred on the adopted person results from the addition of the adopter’s surname to his or her own surname, within the limit of a single surname for each of them. The choice of the name to be added and the order of the two names are a matter for the adopter, who must obtain the personal consent of the adopted person over the age of thirteen. In the event of disagreement or in the absence of a choice, the name conferred on the adopted person results from the addition in the second position of the adopter’s first name to the adopted person’s first name.
In the event of adoption by two spouses, partners bound by a civil solidarity pact or cohabiting partners, the name added to that of the adopted person is, at the request of the adopters, that of one of them, up to a limit of one name. If the adopted person has two surnames, the choice of which surname to keep and the order in which the surnames are added is a matter for the adopters, who must obtain the personal consent of the adopted person over the age of thirteen. In the event of disagreement or in the absence of a choice, the name conferred on the adopted person results from the addition in second position of the first name of the adopters according to alphabetical order, to the first name of the adopted person.
The court may, however, at the request of the adopter, decide that the adopted person will bear only the name of the adopter. In the event of adoption by two persons, the surname substituted for that of the adopted person may, at the choice of the adopters, be either that of one of them, or their two surnames together in the order chosen by them and within the limit of a single surname for each of them. This request may also be made after the adoption. If the adopted child is over the age of thirteen, his or her personal consent is required.
At the request of the adopter(s), the court may change the child’s forenames. If the child is over thirteen years of age, his or her personal consent is required.