The separation of the parents has no effect on the rules governing the devolution of parental authority.
Each of the father and mother must maintain a personal relationship with the child and respect the child’s ties with the other parent.
To this end, by way of exception, at the request of the person directly concerned or the family court judge, the public prosecutor may request the assistance of the police to enforce a decision of the family court judge, a divorce agreement by mutual consent taking the form of a private deed countersigned by lawyers filed with the minutes of a notary or a homologated agreement setting out the arrangements for the exercise of parental authority.
The other parent must be informed in advance of any change in the residence of one of the parents that alters the arrangements for exercising parental authority. In the event of disagreement, the more diligent parent shall refer the matter to the family court, which shall rule in accordance with the best interests of the child. The judge will apportion travel expenses and adjust the amount of the contribution to the maintenance and education of the child accordingly.