The application for review or the application for reconsideration shall be submitted to the commission for the examination of applications for review and reconsideration, which shall rule on its admissibility.
Where the application is manifestly inadmissible, the chairman of the commission or his delegate may reject it by a reasoned order that is not subject to appeal.
The Commission may order the performance of additional information entrusted to one or more of its members for the purpose of carrying out, directly or by rogatory commission, in the forms provided for in this Code, any act of information useful to the investigation of the request, with the exception of the hearing of any person in respect of whom there are plausible grounds for suspecting that he has committed or attempted to commit an offence.
After hearing the written or oral observations of the applicant or his lawyer, those of the public prosecutor and, if he intervenes in the proceedings, after having been duly notified, those of the civil party constituted at the trial whose revision or review is requested or his lawyer, the applicant or his lawyer having the last word, the commission refers the matter to the judgment panel of the court of revision and review if the application appears to it to be admissible.
The Commission gives its decision in a reasoned decision that cannot be appealed. This decision, at the request of the claimant or his lawyer, is given in open court.