Any party residing abroad has the option of declaring to the registry of the court seised, as soon as the proceedings are instituted, that he elects domicile in France in order to be made the addressee of:
1° Des envois, remises, et notifications des actes de procédure, des pièces, avis, avertissements ou convocations, des rapports et des procès-verbaux, lorsque la partie n’a pas chargé une personne demeurant en France de la représenter en justice;
2° De la notification du jugement prévue à l’article 682;
3° Of the notification relating to the exercise of an appeal.
The declaration of election of domicile is made by the party himself or by the person responsible for representing him in court.
The election of domicile takes effect with regard to the court, as from the declaration made at the registry, and with regard to the other parties, as from the notice given to them by the person electing domicile.