The execution of a European arrest warrant may be refused:
1° If, for the acts which are the subject of the arrest warrant, the person sought is being prosecuted before the French courts or if the French courts have decided not to institute proceedings or to terminate them;
2° Si la personne recherchée pour l’exécution d’une peine ou d’une mesure de sûreté privative de liberté est de nationalité française, a établi son résidence sur le territoire national ou demeure sur ce territoire et si la décision de condamnation est exécutoire sur le territoire français en application de article 728-31;
3° If the acts for which it was issued were committed, in whole or in part, on French territory ;
4° If the offence was committed outside the territory of the issuing Member State and French law does not authorise prosecution of the offence when it is committed outside national territory ;
5° If the requested person has been the subject, by the judicial authorities of a third State, of a final decision for the same acts as those which are the subject of the European arrest warrant, provided, in the case of a conviction, that the sentence has been served or is in the process of being served or can no longer be enforced under the laws of the convicting State;
>6° If the acts for which the European arrest warrant was issued were committed outside the territory of the issuing Member State and French law does not authorise the prosecution of the offence when it is committed outside French territory
6° If the acts for which the European arrest warrant was issued could be prosecuted and judged by the French courts and if the statute of limitations has expired for the prosecution or the sentence.