Where several Member States have issued a European arrest warrant for the same person, whether for the same act or for different acts, the choice of the European arrest warrant to be executed shall be made by the investigating chamber, where appropriate, after consulting Eurojust, taking into account all the circumstances and in particular the degree of seriousness and the place where the offences were committed, the respective dates of the European arrest warrants, and the fact that the arrest warrant was issued for the prosecution or for the execution of a custodial sentence or detention order.
In the event of a conflict between a European arrest warrant and an extradition request submitted by a third State, the Investigating Chamber may stay the proceedings pending receipt of the documents. It shall decide on the priority to be given to the European arrest warrant or the extradition request, taking into account all the circumstances, in particular those referred to in the first paragraph and those set out in the applicable convention or agreement.