The acts which may give rise to extradition, whether it is a question of requesting it or granting it, are as follows:
1° All acts punishable by criminal penalties under the law of the requesting State;
2° Acts punishable by correctional penalties under the law of the requesting State, when the maximum prison sentence incurred, under the terms of that law, is equal to or greater than two years, or, in the case of a convicted person, when the sentence passed by the court of the requesting State is equal to or greater than two months’ imprisonment.
In no case shall extradition be granted by the French Government if the act is not punishable under French law by a criminal or correctional penalty.
Acts constituting attempt or complicity are subject to the preceding rules, provided that they are punishable under the law of the requesting State and under that of the requested State.
If the request concerns several offences committed by the person claimed and which have not yet been tried, extradition shall be granted only if the maximum penalty incurred, according to the law of the requesting State, for all these offences, is equal to or greater than two years’ imprisonment.