The genetic fingerprints of the persons mentioned in the first paragraph of article 706-54 may be erased on the instruction of the public prosecutor, acting at the request of the person concerned. On pain of inadmissibility, the person may not make his or her request for erasure until after a period set by the decree provided for in the last paragraph of article 706-54.
The genetic fingerprints of the persons mentioned in the second paragraph of article 706-54 are erased on the instruction of the public prosecutor acting either ex officio or at the request of the person concerned.
The deletion of fingerprints is ordered when their retention no longer appears necessary in view of the purpose of the file. When the matter is referred to the Public Prosecutor by the person concerned, the latter shall be informed of the action taken on the request; if the Public Prosecutor has not ordered the deletion, the person concerned may appeal to the President of the Investigating Chamber.