The president shall refer to the oral hearing those cases which, on the basis of the lawyers’ explanations and in view of the submissions exchanged and the exhibits communicated, appear to him to be ready to be judged on the merits.
He shall also refer to the oral hearing those cases in which the defendant does not appear if they are ready to be judged on the merits, unless he orders that they be reassigned.
He shall also postpone to the oral hearing cases in which the defendant does not appear if they are ready to be judged on their merits, unless he orders the defendant to be reassigned.
In all these cases, the president shall declare the case ready for judgment on its merits.
In all these cases, the chairman declares the proceedings closed.
He sets the date for the hearing.
He sets the date for the oral hearing, which may be held on the same day.
Where the parties have agreed that the proceedings should proceed without a hearing in accordance with provisions of article L. 212-5-1 of the code de l’organisation judiciaire, the president declares the case closed and sets a date for the files to be filed at the chamber registry. The clerk notifies the parties and, where applicable, the public prosecutor, and informs them of the names of the judges of the chamber who will be called upon to deliberate and the date on which the judgment will be delivered.