For tax purposes, the earnings made in the exercise of their profession by homeworkers who do not have any assistance other than that provided for in 2° of article L. 7412-1 of the French Labour Codeand otherwise meeting the definition given by articles L. 7412-1, L. 7412-2 and L. 7413-2 of the same code are deemed to be wages.
Similarly, earnings made in the exercise of their profession by self-employed managers meeting the definition given by Article L. 7322-2 of the Labour Code are considered as wages for tax purposes.
Sont également imposées comme des traitements et salaires les rémunérations perçues par les dirigeants d’organismes mentionnés au troisième alinéa du d du 1° du 7 de l’article 261 when the payment of this remuneration complies with the conditions set out in the third to eleventh paragraphs of d of 1° of 7 of article 261.
Compensation in excess of one million euros received in respect of non-material damage fixed by a court decision is also taxed as salary and wages.