a Indemnities, reimbursements and lump-sum expense allowances paid to company directors are, regardless of their purpose, subject to income tax.
b These provisions apply:
1° In sociétés anonymes :
to the chairman of the board of directors;
to the chief executive officer;
to the provisionally delegated director;
to the members of the management board;
to any director or member of the supervisory board entrusted with special duties;
2° In limited liability companies: to minority managers;
3° In other companies or establishments liable to corporation tax: to managers subject to the employee tax regime;
4° In any company: to any person in salaried employment whose total remuneration exceeds the lowest of the remuneration allocated to the managers of that company. However, remuneration paid to directors or members of the supervisory board entrusted with special functions is not taken into account for the application of this provision.