The court is seised by delivering a copy of the summons to the court registry.
This delivery must be made before the date set for the hearing or the summons will lapse.
Lapse is established ex officio by order of the president of the chamber to which the case is distributed.
At any time during the proceedings, the parties may expressly agree to the proceedings being conducted without a hearing in accordance with the provisions of article L. 212-5-1 of the Code de l’organisation judiciaire . In this case, the president of the chamber organises the exchanges between the parties. The parties set out their claims and arguments in writing. The communication between them is made by notification between lawyers and evidence of this is given to the President of the Chamber within the time limits he sets. He may apply the provisions of the fifth paragraph of article 446-2 and article 446-3. It fixes the date by which the parties must communicate their claims, pleas and exhibits to the Registry. On that date, the court registry shall inform the parties of the date on which the judgment will be delivered. The judgment is binding on both parties.
The president of the chamber may decide to organise a hearing if he considers that it is not possible to give a decision on the basis of the written evidence or if one of the parties so requests.