The jury of the Mayotte Assize Court is composed of three assessor-jurors when the Assize Court rules at first instance and six assessor-jurors when it rules on appeal.
These assessor-jurors are drawn by lot, for each session, from a list drawn up jointly by the prefect and the president of the judicial court, made up of persons proposed by the public prosecutor or by the mayors and meeting the conditions set out in articles 255 to 257.
Before the opening of the session, the names of the spouses, parents and relatives up to and including the degree of uncle or nephew of a member of the court or of one of the assessor-jurors entered before him on the said list shall be removed from the list.
Before the judgment of each case, the names of the spouses, parents and relatives up to and including the degree of uncle or nephew of the accused or of their lawyers, as well as the names of those who are witnesses, interpreters, informers, experts, plaintiffs or civil parties or who have performed an act of judicial police or investigation, shall also be removed from the list.
If the Chairman is unable to attend before or during the session, he will be replaced by a judge from the Mamoudzou Court of Appeal. If an assessor is unable to attend, he or she shall be replaced in the same way as for his or her initial appointment.
Assessor-judge who, without legitimate reason, has not complied with the summons he or she has received, may be fined €3,750 by the court. The assessor-jury may, within ten days of the sentence being served on him personally or at his domicile, lodge an objection with the criminal court of the Assize Court’s seat. The penalties provided for in this article are applicable to any assessor-juror who, even having complied with the summons, withdraws before the expiry of his duties, without an excuse deemed valid by the court.