Deliveries, either by inter vivos deeds or by will, may not exceed half of the disposer’s property, if he leaves only one child at his death; one-third, if he leaves two children; one-quarter, if he leaves three or more.
A child who renounces the succession is included in the number of children left by the deceased only if he is represented or if he is required to report a gift pursuant to the provisions of article 845.
Where the deceased or at least one of the deceased’s children is, at the time of death, a national of a Member State of the European Union or habitually resident there and where the foreign law applicable to the succession does not allow any reservatory mechanism protecting the children, each child or his heirs or successors may make a compensatory levy on the existing property situated in France on the day of death, so as to be restored to the reservatory rights granted to them under French law, within the limit of those rights.