For each cinematographic or audiovisual work, persons whose business is the publication of videograms intended for the private use of the public must keep an up-to-date document, in accordance with a model approved by the Centre national du cinéma et de l’image animée, stating :
1° The original title of the work and, in the case of a foreign work, the title under which the work is published in France, if different;
2° The number of the cinematographic exhibition licence in the case of a cinematographic work or, where applicable, the registration number in the public film and audiovisual register in the case of an audiovisual work;
3° The type of medium used;
4° The contractual exploitation period for the work;
5° The name of the laboratory or laboratories;
6° The video release date;
7° The number of copies edited and delivered;
8° The amount of net sales invoiced;
9° The quantity of copies remaining in stock.