When, in accordance with the provisions of the first paragraph of Article R. 49-6, the competent public accountant sends the offender an extract from the enforcement order concerning him/her in the form of a notice inviting him/her to pay the amount of the increased fixed fine, this notice must include a section entitled “Withdrawal of driving licence points” where the offence recorded results in a withdrawal of driving licence point(s).
This section includes the following information:
You are informed that:
1. You may exercise a right of access and rectification where information about you is subject to automated processing (art. 39 et 40 de la loi n° 78-17 du 6 janvier 1978) to:
-the officer of the public prosecutor’s office at the local court or the police court;
-the public accountant responsible for collecting the increased fixed fine.
2. The issuing of this enforcement order for an increased fixed fine results in the deduction of point(s) from your driving licence corresponding to the offence recorded.
3. This deduction of point(s) may only be called into question if the present enforcement order is contested in accordance with the procedures laid down by law. Payment of the increased fixed fine in the absence of a challenge will result in the withdrawal of points.
According to article L. 223-2 of the Highway Code:
-for misdemeanours, the points deducted are equal to half the maximum number of points;
-for offences, the points deducted are, at most, equal to half the maximum number of points;
-in the event that several offences resulting in the deduction of points are committed simultaneously, the points deducted are cumulative up to a limit of two-thirds of the maximum number of points.
4. Withdrawals and reconstitutions of driving licence point(s) are subject to automated processing known as the “Système national des permis de conduire” (SNPC).
5. You may exercise a right of access to information concerning your driving licence by contacting the prefectural department of your place of residence.