The marriage contract, counter-letter, change of matrimonial regime (number 41 of table 5) give rise to the collection:
1° Where there are no contributions or dowries or where the value of the property whose ownership is declared is less than or equal to €30,800, a fixed fee of €188.68;
2° Where this value exceeds the €30,800 threshold mentioned in 1°, a fee proportional to this value, according to the following scale:
Base brackets | Rate applicable |
0 to €6,500 | 1.290% |
From €6,500 to €17,000 | 0.532% |
From €17,000 to €60,000 | 0.355% |
More than €60,000 | 0.266% |
Donations, without distinction of lines, give rise in addition to the collection of the fees provided for in article A. 444-67 for gifts inter vivos.