Technical rules on health and safety applicable to new machines or machines considered as new mentioned in article R. 4312-1 of the Labour Code
General principles.
1° The manufacturer of a machine must ensure that a risk assessment is carried out in order to determine the technical rules that apply to the machine. The machine is then designed and constructed taking into account the results of the risk assessment.
Through the iterative process of risk assessment and risk reduction referred to above, the manufacturer :
-determines the limits of the machine, including its normal use and any reasonably foreseeable misuse;
-identifies the hazards which may arise from the machine and the associated dangerous situations
-assesses the risks, taking into account the seriousness of possible injury or damage to health and the probability of such injury or damage
-assesses the risks, with a view to determining whether risk reduction is necessary, in accordance with the aim of this Directive;
-eliminate the hazards or reduce the risks associated with these hazards by applying protective measures, in accordance with the order of priority laid down in paragraph 1.1.2 b.
2° The obligations resulting from the technical rules apply only where the corresponding hazard exists for the machinery in question, when it is used under the conditions foreseen by the manufacturer but also in foreseeable abnormal situations. In any event, the principles of safety integration referred to in section 1.1.2 and the obligations concerning the marking of machinery and the instructions referred to in sections 1.7.3 and 1.7.4 apply.
3° The technical rules set out in this Annex are mandatory. However, taking account of the state of the art, the objectives which they set may not be achieved. In this case, the machine shall, as far as possible, be designed and constructed with a view to achieving these objectives.
4° This annex comprises several parts. The first is general in scope and applies to all types of machinery. Other parts cover certain more specific types of hazard. Nevertheless, it is essential to examine this Annex in its entirety to ensure that all the relevant technical rules are complied with. When designing machinery, the technical rules of the general part and the technical rules of one or more of the other parts of the Annex shall be taken into account according to the results of the risk assessment carried out in accordance with 1° of these general principles.
5° The technical health and safety rules are mandatory provisions relating to the design and construction of the products covered by this Annex in order to ensure a high level of protection of the health and safety of persons, where appropriate domestic animals and property and, where appropriate, the environment.
The technical health and safety rules relating to the protection of the environment apply only to the machinery mentioned in section 2.4 of this Annex (1).
6° Equipment covered by the provisions of Annex I, resulting from the transposition of Directive 98/37/EC as amended, designed and constructed in accordance with the provisions of this Annex, maintained in conformity with these provisions and placed on the market before 29 December 2009, shall be considered to conform to the provisions of this Annex.
1. Technical rules applicable to all types of machinery.
1.1 General points
1.1.1. Definitions.
For the purposes of this Annex, the following definitions shall apply
a) Hazard: a potential source of injury or damage to health ;
b) Danger zone: any zone in or around machinery in which a person is subject to a risk to his safety or health;
c) Exposed person: any person who is wholly or partially in a danger zone;
d) Operator: the person or persons responsible for installing, operating, adjusting, maintaining, cleaning, repairing or moving a machine;
e) Risk: combination of the probability and the severity of an injury or damage to health which may occur in a hazardous situation;
f) Guard: machine component used specifically to provide protection by means of a physical barrier;
g) Protective device: a device, other than a guard, which reduces the risk, alone or in conjunction with a guard;
h) Normal use: use of machinery in accordance with the information provided in the instructions;
i) Reasonably foreseeable misuse: use of the machinery in a way not provided for in the instructions, but which is likely to result from readily foreseeable human behaviour.
1.1.2. Principles of safety integration.
(a) Machinery must be designed and constructed so that it is fit for its purpose and can be operated, adjusted and maintained without exposing anyone to risk when these operations are carried out, under the conditions foreseen by the manufacturer, but also taking account of any reasonably foreseeable misuse.
The measures taken are designed to eliminate any risk during the foreseeable lifetime of the machinery, including the phases of transportation, assembly, dismantling, decommissioning and scrapping.
b) In choosing the most appropriate solutions, the manufacturer must apply the following principles, in the order indicated:
-eliminate or reduce risks as far as possible by incorporating safety into the design and construction of the machine ;
-take the necessary protective measures in respect of hazards which cannot be eliminated;
-inform users of the residual risks due to the incomplete effectiveness of the protective measures adopted, indicate whether special training is required and indicate whether it is necessary to provide personal protective equipment.
(c) When designing and constructing machinery and when drafting the instructions, the manufacturer must take account not only of the normal use of the machinery but also of any reasonably foreseeable misuse.
Machinery must be designed and constructed in such a way that it cannot be used abnormally, if such use would engender a risk. Where appropriate, the instructions shall draw the user’s attention to any contra-indications to the use of the machinery which experience has shown might arise.
(d) The machinery is designed and constructed to take account of the constraints imposed on the operator by the necessary or foreseeable use of personal protective equipment.
e) The machine is supplied with all the special equipment and accessories essential for it to be adjusted, maintained and used in complete safety.
1.1.3. Materials and products.
The materials used for the construction of the machine or the products used or created during its use must not endanger the health and safety of persons. In particular, when fluids are used, the machine is designed and constructed to avoid risks due to filling, use, recovery and disposal.
1.1.4 Lighting.
The machine is supplied with built-in lighting, suitable for operations where, despite ambient lighting of normal intensity, the absence of such a device could create a risk.
The machinery must be designed and constructed in such a way that there is no area of shadow, irritating glare or dangerous stroboscopic effect on moving parts due to the lighting.
The interior parts which must be inspected and adjusted frequently, as well as maintenance areas, are fitted with appropriate lighting devices.
1.1.5. Design of the machine for handling.
The machine or each of its parts must be designed and constructed in such a way that :
-can be handled and transported in complete safety;
-to be packed or to be stored safely and without damage.
The machinery and its parts must be designed and constructed in such a way that, when being transported, no unexpected movements or hazards due to instability can occur, when the machinery or its parts are handled in accordance with the instructions.
Where the weight, dimensions or shape of the machine or its parts do not allow them to be moved by hand, the machine or each of its parts is :
-fitted with accessories enabling it to be gripped by a lifting device ;
-is designed in such a way that it can be fitted with such accessories;
-is shaped in such a way that normal lifting equipment can easily be fitted.
Where the machinery or one of its parts is designed and constructed to be moved manually, it must be:
-easily movable ;
-fitted with gripping devices enabling it to be moved in complete safety.
Special provisions are made for the handling of tools or machine parts which, even if light, may be dangerous.
1.1.6 Ergonomics.
Under the intended conditions of use, discomfort, fatigue and physical and mental strain for the operator are reduced to a minimum so as to take into account the ergonomic principles of :
-taking into account the variability of operators in terms of their morphological data, strength and resistance ;
providing sufficient space for the movements of the different parts of the operator’s body; – avoiding a set work rhythm;
-avoid a work rhythm determined by the machine;
-avoid supervision that requires prolonged concentration;
-adapt the man-machine interface to the foreseeable characteristics of the operators.
1.1.7. Workstation.
The workstation is designed and constructed in such a way as to avoid any risk due to exhaust gases or lack of oxygen.
If the machinery is intended to be used in a hazardous environment presenting risks to the health and safety of the operator, or if the machinery itself creates a hazardous environment, sufficient means must be provided to ensure that the operator has good working conditions and is protected against any foreseeable hazards.
Where appropriate, the workstation is provided with a suitable cab designed, constructed or equipped to meet the above conditions. The exit allows rapid evacuation. In addition, where appropriate, an emergency exit should be provided in a different direction from the normal exit.
1.1.8. Seating.
Where appropriate and where working conditions permit, workstations which are an integral part of the machine are designed for the installation of seats.
If the operator is expected to be in a seated position during his work and if the workstation is an integral part of the machine, the seat is supplied with the machine.
The seat provides the operator with a stable position. In addition, the seat and the distance separating it from the operating devices can be adapted to the operator.
If the machine is subject to vibrations, the seat is designed and built to reduce the vibrations transmitted to the operator to the lowest level reasonably possible. The seat anchorage is designed to withstand all stresses to which it may be subjected. If there is no floor under the operator’s feet, non-slip footrests are provided.
1.2 Control systems
1.2.1. Safety and reliability of control systems.
The control systems are designed and built in such a way as to avoid any dangerous situation. Above all, they are designed and constructed in such a way as to:
– to withstand normal operating stresses and external influences ;
-a failure of the control system hardware or software does not lead to a hazardous situation;
-that errors in the control system logic do not lead to a hazardous situation;
-reasonably foreseeable human error during operation does not lead to a hazardous situation.
In particular, care must be taken to ensure that:
-the machine cannot start up unexpectedly;
-the parameters of the machine cannot be changed without a command being given to that effect, when such a change may lead to dangerous situations;
-the machine cannot be prevented from stopping if the stop command has already been given;
-no moving part of the machine or any part held by the machine can fall or be ejected;
-the automatic or manual stopping of any moving parts is not prevented;
-the protective devices remain fully operational or give a stop command;
-the safety-related parts of the control system apply consistently to an entire assembly of machines or partly completed machinery.
In the case of cableless control, an automatic stop occurs when the correct control signals are not received, in particular if communication is interrupted.
1.2.2. Operating devices.
The control devices are :
-clearly visible and identifiable using pictograms, where appropriate ;
-positioned in such a way that they can be operated safely, without hesitation or loss of time and without ambiguity;
-designed in such a way that the movement of the control devices is consistent with the effect being controlled;
-located outside danger zones except, if necessary, for certain control devices, such as an emergency stop and a teach pendant for robots;
-located in such a way that operation of them cannot give rise to additional risks;
designed or protected in such a way that the desired effect, if it can lead to danger, can only be obtained by voluntary action; – manufactured in such a way as to be resistant to wear and tear;
-manufactured in such a way as to withstand foreseeable forces. Particular attention should be paid to emergency stop devices which are likely to be subjected to high forces.
When a control device is designed and constructed to allow several different actions, i.e. when its action is not unambiguous, the commanded action is clearly displayed and, if necessary, confirmed.
The operating elements are configured in such a way that their arrangement, travel and resistance are compatible with the commanded action, taking ergonomic principles into account.
The machine is fitted with the signalling devices necessary for safe operation. The machinery must be designed and constructed in such a way that the operator can read the indications on these devices from the control position.
The machinery is designed and constructed in such a way that, from each control position, the operator can ensure that there is no one in the danger zones, or the control system is designed and constructed in such a way that it cannot be started as long as there is a person in the danger zone.
If this is not possible, the control system must be designed and constructed in such a way that any start-up of the machine is preceded by an audible or visual warning signal. Persons exposed must have time to leave the danger zone or to prevent the machine from starting up.
If necessary, means must be provided to ensure that the machinery can be controlled only from control positions located in one or more predetermined zones or locations.
Where there are several control stations, the control system is designed in such a way that the use of one of them prevents the use of the others, except in the case of stop and emergency stop devices.
When a machine has several workstations, each workstation is provided with all the required control devices without the operators interfering with each other or putting each other in a dangerous situation.
1.2.3. Starting up.
A machine can only be started by voluntary action on a control device provided for this purpose.
The same applies to :
-restarting after a stoppage, whatever the cause;
-for commanding a major change in operating conditions.
However, restarting or changing the operating conditions may be carried out by voluntary action on a device other than the control device provided for this purpose, provided that this does not lead to a dangerous situation.
In the case of machinery operating in automatic mode, starting, restarting after a stoppage or changing the operating conditions may be effected without intervention, provided that this does not lead to a hazardous situation.
If a machine has several starting controls and the operators could therefore endanger each other, additional devices must be provided to exclude this risk. If safety requires starting or stopping to be carried out in a specific sequence, devices are provided to ensure that these operations are carried out in the correct order.
1.2.4. Stopping. Normal stop.
The machine is fitted with an operating device enabling it to be brought to a complete stop in complete safety.
Each workstation is fitted with a control to stop all or some of the machine’s functions, depending on the existing hazards, in order to make the machine safe.
The machine stop command has priority over the start commands.
Machinery must be designed and constructed in such a way that, once it has stopped or its hazardous functions have stopped, the energy supply to the actuators concerned is interrupted. Stopping for operational reasons.
When, for operational reasons, it is necessary to use a stop command which does not interrupt the energy supply to the actuators, the stop function is monitored and maintained. Emergency stop.
The machine is fitted with one or more emergency stop devices to prevent dangerous situations that are occurring or are imminent.
This obligation does not apply to
-machinery for which an emergency stop device would not reduce the risk, either because it would not reduce the time needed to bring the machine to a halt, or because it would not allow the specific measures required to deal with the risk to be taken;
hand-held or hand-guided portable machinery.
The device is such that it :
-includes clearly identifiable, clearly visible and rapidly accessible control devices;
brings the dangerous process to a halt as quickly as possible, without creating any additional risk; – if necessary, triggers or enables the process to be stopped;
-if necessary, triggers or allows certain protective movements to be triggered.
When the emergency stop device is no longer actuated after a stop command has been given, this command is maintained by blocking the emergency stop device until it is voluntarily released; it is not possible to switch on the device without actuating a stop command; deactivation of the device is obtained only by appropriate action and does not have the effect of restarting the machine but only authorises a restart.
The emergency stop function is available and operational at all times, whatever the operating mode.
Emergency stop devices support other protective measures; they do not replace them. Machine assemblies.
In the case of machinery or parts of machinery designed to work together, they must be designed and constructed in such a way that the stop controls, including the emergency stop devices, can stop not only the machinery but also all associated equipment if its continued operation could constitute a hazard.
1.2.5. Selection of control or operating modes.
The control or operating mode selected has priority over all other control or operating modes, with the exception of the emergency stop.
If the machine has been designed and constructed to enable it to be used in several control or operating modes requiring different protective measures or work procedures, it is fitted with a mode selector which can be locked in each position. Each position of the selector is clearly identifiable and corresponds to a single control or operating mode.
The selector can be replaced by other selection means to restrict the use of certain machine functions to certain categories of operator.
If, for certain operations, the machine is designed and constructed so that it can be operated while a guard has been moved or removed or a protective device has been neutralised, the control or operating mode selector is designed to simultaneously:
-deactivate all other control or operating modes ;
-only allow dangerous functions to be performed by operating devices requiring sustained action;
-only allow hazardous functions to be performed under conditions of reduced risk, while avoiding any danger arising from a sequence of sequences;
-prevent any hazardous function from being activated by voluntary or involuntary action on the machine’s sensors.
If these four conditions cannot be met simultaneously, the control or operating mode selector is designed to activate other protective measures designed and built to guarantee a safe intervention zone.
In addition, the machine is designed and constructed in such a way that, from the adjustment station, the operator can control the operation of the parts on which he is working.
1.2.6. Failure of the power supply.
The machine is designed and constructed in such a way that the interruption, restoration after an interruption or variation, in any direction, of the power supply to the machine does not lead to dangerous situations.
In particular, care must be taken to ensure that:
-the machine cannot start unexpectedly ;
-the parameters of the machine cannot be changed without a command to do so, when this change may lead to dangerous situations;
-the machine cannot be prevented from stopping if the stop command has already been given;
-no moving part of the machine or any part held by the machine can fall or be ejected;
-the automatic or manual stopping of any moving parts cannot be prevented;
-the protective devices remain fully operational or give a stop command.
1.3 Protective measures against mechanical risks.
1.3.1. Risk of loss of stability.
The machine and its components and equipment are designed and constructed so as to be sufficiently stable to prevent overturning, falling or uncontrolled movements during transportation, assembly, dismantling and any other action involving the machine.
If the actual shape of the machinery or its intended installation does not ensure sufficient stability, appropriate means of attachment must be provided and indicated in the instructions.
1.3.2. Risk of breakage in service.
1° The various parts of the machine and the connections between them are designed and constructed to withstand the stresses to which they are subjected during use.
The materials used have sufficient strength, adapted to the characteristics of the working environment foreseen by the manufacturer, particularly with regard to fatigue, ageing, corrosion and abrasion.
The instructions indicate the types and frequency of inspection and maintenance required for safety reasons. Where applicable, it indicates which parts are subject to wear and tear and the criteria for replacement.
If, despite the precautions taken, there is a risk of rupture or bursting, the parts concerned must be mounted, arranged or protected in such a way that their fragments are retained, thus avoiding dangerous situations.
Rigid or flexible pipes carrying fluids, in particular under high pressure, are designed and constructed to withstand the anticipated internal and external stresses; they are securely fastened or protected so that, in the event of rupture, they cannot cause hazards.
2° Where the material to be machined is conveyed automatically to the tool, to avoid risks to persons, the following conditions must be met:
-when the tool comes into contact with the workpiece, the tool must have reached its normal working condition;
-when the tool is started or stopped (voluntarily or involuntarily), the feed movement and the tool movement must be coordinated.
1.3.3. Risks due to falls and ejected objects.
Precautions are taken to avoid risks due to falling or ejected objects.
1.3.4. Risks due to surfaces, edges or corners.
Insofar as their function permits, accessible parts of the machine do not have any sharp edges, corners or rough surfaces likely to cause injury.
1.3.5. Risks due to combined machines.
A combined machine, i.e. a machine designed to carry out several different operations with manual removal of the workpiece between each operation, is designed and constructed in such a way that each component can be used separately without the other components presenting a risk to persons liable to be exposed.
To this end, each of the components, if unprotected, can be started or stopped individually.
1.3.6. Risks due to variations in operating conditions.
In the event of operations under different operating conditions, the machine is designed and constructed in such a way that the selection and adjustment of these conditions can be carried out safely and reliably.
1.3.7. Risks related to moving parts.
The moving parts of the machinery are designed and constructed in such a way as to avoid risks of contact which could lead to accidents or, where risks remain, are fitted with guards or protective devices.
All necessary steps must be taken to prevent the unintentional blocking of moving parts involved in the work. In cases where, despite the precautions taken, a blockage is likely to occur, the necessary protective devices and specific tools are, where appropriate, provided to enable the equipment to be unblocked in complete safety.
The instruction manual and, if possible, a notice on the machine must mention these specific protective devices and how to use them.
1.3.8. Choice of protection against risks caused by moving parts.
Guards or protective devices designed to protect against risks caused by moving parts are chosen according to the type of risk. The following criteria are used to facilitate selection. Moving transmission parts.
Guards designed to protect people against the hazards associated with moving transmission parts are :
-either the fixed guards mentioned in paragraph ;
-or interlocking movable guards as referred to in section The latter solution is chosen if frequent work is planned. Moving parts contributing to the work.
The guards or protective devices designed to protect people against the hazards associated with moving parts involved in the work are :
-either fixed guards as referred to in paragraph ;
-or interlocking movable guards as referred to in section;
-or the protective devices referred to in paragraph 1.4.3;
-or a combination of the above.
However, where certain moving parts directly involved in the work cannot be made completely inaccessible during operation because of operations requiring operator intervention, these parts must be fitted with :
-fixed guards or interlocking movable guards preventing access to those parts of the moving parts which are not used for the work; and
-adjustable guards as referred to in section restricting access to those parts of the moving parts to which access is necessary.
1.3.9. Risks due to uncontrolled movements.
When a part of a machine has been stopped, any drift from its stopped position, whatever the cause apart from action on the operating controls, is prevented unless it does not present a hazard.
1.4. Characteristics required for guards and protective devices.
1.4.1. General rules.
Protectors and protective devices :
-are of robust construction
-are securely held in place;
-do not give rise to any additional hazards
-are not easily circumvented or rendered inoperative;
-are located at a sufficient distance from the danger zone;
-restrict the view of the work cycle as little as possible;
-allow essential work to be carried out to fit or replace tools and for maintenance purposes, restricting access exclusively to the area where the work is to be carried out and, if possible, without dismantling the guard or neutralising the protective device.
In addition, as far as possible, the guards provide protection against the ejection or falling of materials and objects and against emissions produced by the machine.
1.4.2. Special rules for guards. Fixed guards.
Fixed guards are fixed by means of systems that can only be opened or removed using tools.
The fixing systems must be integral with the guards or the machine when the guards are removed.
As far as possible, guards must not remain in place without their fastenings. Interlocking movable guards.
1° The movable guards are designed and constructed :
-so that, as far as possible, they remain attached to the machine when open ;
-so that their adjustment requires voluntary action.
2° The movable guards are associated with an interlocking device :
-preventing hazardous machinery functions from being started up until they are closed,
-giving a stop command as soon as they are no longer closed.
3° Where an operator can reach the danger zone before the risk associated with the hazardous functions of the machinery has ceased, in addition to the interlocking device, the movable guards must be fitted with an interlocking device:
-preventing hazardous machinery functions from being started until the guards are closed and locked,
-keeping the guards closed and locked until the risk of injury from hazardous machinery functions has ceased.
4. Interlocking movable guards must be designed in such a way that the absence or failure of one of their components prevents starting or stops the hazardous functions of the machinery. Adjustable guards restricting access.
Adjustable guards limiting access to the parts of the moving parts strictly necessary for the work:
-can be adjusted manually or automatically depending on the nature of the work to be carried out;
-can be easily adjusted without the use of tools.
1.4.3. Special rules for protective devices.
Protective devices are designed and incorporated into the control system in such a way that :
-moving parts cannot be set in motion as long as the operator can reach them ;
-persons cannot reach moving parts while they are in motion,
-the absence or failure of one of their components prevents the moving parts from starting up or causes them to stop.
The adjustment of protective devices requires voluntary action.
1.5. Risks due to other hazards.
1.5.1. Electrical power supply.
Where machinery is supplied with electricity, it must be designed, constructed and equipped in such a way as to prevent, or be capable of preventing, all hazards of an electrical nature.
The safety objectives laid down by the provisions transposing Directive 73/23/EEC apply to machinery. However, the obligations concerning conformity assessment and the placing on the market or putting into service of machinery with regard to hazards due to electrical energy are governed exclusively by the provisions of this Directive.
1.5.2 Static electricity
Machinery must be designed and constructed to prevent or limit the build-up of potentially dangerous electrostatic charges or be fitted with the means to dissipate them.
1.5.3. Power supply other than electrical.
Where machinery is powered by energy other than electricity, it must be designed, constructed and equipped in such a way as to avoid all potential hazards associated with such energy sources.
1.5.4. Assembly errors.
Errors likely to be made during the assembly or reassembly of certain parts, which could give rise to risks, are made impossible by the design and construction of these parts or, failing this, by indications on the parts themselves or on their casings. The same information must appear on moving parts or their housings when it is necessary to know the direction of movement in order to avoid a risk.
Where appropriate, the instruction manual provides further information on these risks.
Where a faulty connection may be the cause of risks, incorrect connections must be made impossible by the design or, failing that, by indications on the components to be connected and, where appropriate, on the means of connection.
1.5.5. Extreme temperatures.
Steps must be taken to avoid any risk of injury, through contact or at a distance, with machine parts or materials at high or very low temperatures.
The necessary measures are also taken to avoid the risk of ejection of hot or very cold materials or to ensure protection against these risks.
1.5.6 Fire.
The machine is designed and constructed in such a way as to avoid any risk of fire or overheating caused by the machine itself or by gases, liquids, dust, vapours and other substances produced or used by the machine.
1.5.7. Explosion.
Machinery must be designed and constructed in such a way as to avoid any risk of explosion caused by the machine itself or by gases, liquids, dust, vapours and other substances produced or used by the machine.
Machinery must comply with the provisions transposing the relevant Community directives as regards explosion hazards due to its use in a potentially explosive atmosphere.
1.5.8. Noise.
Machinery is designed and constructed in such a way that the risks resulting from the emission of airborne noise are reduced to the lowest level, taking into account technical progress and the availability of means of reducing noise, particularly at source.
The noise emission level is assessed in relation to comparative emission data for similar machines.
1.5.9. Vibrations.
Machinery is designed and constructed in such a way that the risks resulting from vibrations produced by the machinery are reduced to the lowest level, taking account of technical progress and the availability of means of reducing vibrations, in particular at source.
The vibration level is assessed in relation to comparative emissions data for similar machines.
1.5.10. Radiation.
Undesirable radiation from the machine is eliminated or reduced to levels that have no harmful effect on people.
Any functional ionising radiation emitted by the machinery is limited to the lowest level necessary for the proper functioning of the machinery during installation, operation and cleaning. Where a risk exists, the necessary protective measures are taken.
Any functional non-ionising radiation emitted by the machinery during installation, operation and cleaning is limited to levels which have no harmful effect on persons.
1.5.11. External radiation.
The machine is designed and constructed in such a way that external radiation does not interfere with its operation.
1.5.12. Laser radiation.
Where laser equipment is used, the following provisions must be taken into account:
-laser equipment on a machine is designed and constructed in such a way as to avoid any unintentional radiation ;
-laser equipment on a machine is protected in such a way that neither useful radiation, nor radiation produced by reflection or diffusion, nor secondary radiation is harmful to health;
-optical equipment for observing or adjusting laser equipment on a machine is such that no health risk is created by laser radiation.
1.5.13. Emission of hazardous materials and substances.
The machine is designed and constructed in such a way as to avoid the risks of inhalation, ingestion, contact with the skin, eyes and mucous membranes and percutaneous penetration of hazardous materials and substances which it produces.
Where the risk cannot be eliminated, the machinery must be equipped in such a way that hazardous materials and substances can be contained, evacuated, precipitated by spraying with water, filtered or treated by any other equally effective method.
Where the process is not totally contained during normal operation of the machinery, the containment or evacuation devices are placed in such a way as to produce the maximum effect.
1.5.14. Risk of becoming trapped in machinery.
Machinery must be designed, constructed or equipped with means of preventing a person from being trapped or, if this is not possible, enabling that person to call for help.
1.5.15. Risk of slipping, tripping or falling.
Parts of the machine where persons are likely to move or stand are designed and constructed in such a way as to prevent such persons from slipping, tripping or falling.
Where appropriate, these parts of the machinery are fitted with handrails that are fixed in relation to the users, enabling them to remain stable.
1.5.16. Lightning strikes.
Machinery requiring protection against the effects of lightning while in use is fitted with a system for discharging the resulting electrical charge to earth.
1.6 Maintenance.
1.6.1. Machine maintenance.
Adjustment and maintenance points are located outside the danger zones. Adjustment, maintenance, repair and cleaning operations and work on the machine may be carried out when the machine is at a standstill.
If one or more of the above conditions cannot be met for technical reasons, measures must be taken to ensure that these operations can be carried out safely in accordance with section 1.2.5.
In the case of automated machinery and possibly other machinery, a connecting device enabling fault diagnosis equipment to be fitted is provided.
Parts of automated machinery which are due to be replaced frequently can be dismantled and reassembled easily and safely. Access to these components allows these tasks to be carried out with the necessary technical means according to a planned procedure.
1.6.2. Access to workstations or intervention points.
The machine is designed and constructed in such a way as to allow access, in complete safety, to all places where work is required during operation, adjustment and maintenance of the machine.
1.6.3. Separation of the machine from its energy sources.
The machine is fitted with devices to isolate it from all energy sources. These devices are clearly identified. They can be locked if reconnection could present a danger to persons. The devices must also be lockable if the operator is unable to check, from all the places to which he has access, that the energy supply is still cut off.
In the case of a machine which can be supplied with electrical energy by a socket, removal of the socket is sufficient, provided that the operator can check, from all places to which he has access, that the socket is always removed.
After the power supply has been disconnected, any residual or stored energy in the machine circuits can be discharged normally, without risk to persons.
By way of derogation from the requirement set out in the previous paragraphs, certain circuits may remain connected to their energy source in order, for example, to hold parts, save information, light interiors, etc. In this case, special provisions are laid down by the manufacturer. In this case, special measures are taken to ensure the safety of operators.
1.6.4 Operator intervention.
The machine is designed, constructed and equipped in such a way as to limit operator intervention. If operator intervention cannot be avoided, the machinery must be designed and constructed so that such intervention can be carried out easily and in complete safety.
1.6.5. Cleaning of internal parts.
The machinery is designed and constructed in such a way that it is possible to clean internal parts of the machinery which have contained dangerous substances or preparations without entering them; it must also be possible to remove any blockages from the outside. If it is impossible to avoid entering the machine, it must be designed and constructed in such a way that cleaning can be carried out in complete safety.
1.7 Information
1.7.1 Information and warnings on the machine.
Information and warnings on the machine should preferably be in the form of easily understandable symbols or pictograms. All written or verbal information and warnings are expressed in French and accompanied, on request, by versions in any other official language of the Community understood by the operators. Information and information devices
The information needed to operate a machine is provided in a form that is unambiguous and easy to understand. This information must not be so excessive as to overload the operator.
Display screens or any other means of interactive communication between the operator and the machine are easy to understand and use. Warning devices.
Where the health and safety of persons may be endangered by the faulty operation of unsupervised machinery, the machinery must be equipped to give an adequate audible or visual warning.
If the machinery is fitted with warning devices, they must be unambiguous and easily perceived. Measures must be taken to enable the operator to check that the warning devices are working at all times.
The requirements resulting from the transposition of the specific Community directives concerning colours and safety signs are applicable.
1.7.2. Warning of residual risks.
Where risks remain despite the integration of safety into the design of the machinery and the taking of additional protective and preventive measures, the necessary warnings, including warning devices, are provided.
1.7.3. Marking of machinery.
I.-Each machine is visibly, legibly and indelibly marked with the following minimum information:
a) The company name and full address of the manufacturer;
b) The machine designation;
c) CE marking ;
d) Serial or type designation;
e) Serial number, if any;
f) The year of construction, i.e. the year in which the manufacturing process was completed. It is forbidden to backdate or postdate the machine when affixing the CE marking.
In addition, machinery designed and constructed for use in potentially explosive atmospheres must bear this indication.
II-The machine also bears all the information concerning its type which is essential for its safe use. This information is subject to the rules laid down in paragraph 1.7.1.
III-Where a part of the machinery is intended to be handled, during use, by lifting equipment, its mass is marked legibly, indelibly and unambiguously.
1.7.4. Instruction manual.
Each machine is accompanied by an instruction manual in French.
The instructions accompanying the machine are either original instructions or a translation of the original instructions, in which case the translation is accompanied by the original instructions.
By way of derogation, the maintenance instructions intended for use by specialised personnel who are dependent on the manufacturer may be supplied in only one of the Community languages understood by such personnel.
The instructions shall be drawn up in accordance with the principles set out below. General principles for drafting the instructions.
The instructions are written in French and may be written in one or more official Community languages. The words Original instructions appear on the language versions of these instructions which have been checked by the manufacturer.
Where there is no original manual in French, a translation into that language is supplied by the manufacturer or by the person introducing the machine into France. This translation is marked Translation of the original instructions.
The contents of the instructions cover not only normal use of the machine, but also reasonably foreseeable misuse.
In the case of machinery intended for non-professional users, the drafting and presentation of the instructions shall take account of the level of general education and insight that can reasonably be expected of such users. Contents of the instructions.
Each instruction leaflet contains, where applicable, at least the following information:
a) The company name and full address of the manufacturer ;
b) The designation of the machine, as indicated on the machine itself, with the exception of the serial number in accordance with paragraph 1.7.3;
(c) The EC declaration of conformity or a document setting out the contents of the EC declaration of conformity, indicating the characteristics of the machine, without necessarily including the serial number and the signature ;
d) A general description of the machine;
e) any drawings, diagrams, descriptions and explanations necessary for the use, maintenance and repair of the machinery and for checking that it is in good working order;
f) A description of the workstation(s) likely to be occupied by the operators;
g) A description of the normal use of the machine;
h) Warnings concerning any contraindications to the use of the machine which, according to experience, may exist;
i) Instructions for assembly, installation and connection, including drawings, diagrams, means of attachment and the designation of the frame or installation on which the machinery is intended to be mounted;
j) Installation and assembly instructions designed to reduce noise and vibration;
k) Instructions for the commissioning and use of the machinery and, where appropriate, instructions for the training of operators;
(l) information on any residual risks that remain despite the fact that safety has been integrated into the design of the machinery and that additional protective and preventive measures have been taken
m) Instructions concerning the protective measures to be taken by users, including, where appropriate, the personal protective equipment to be provided;
n) The essential characteristics of tools that can be fitted to the machine;
o) The conditions in which the machinery meets the stability requirement during use, transportation, assembly or dismantling, when out of service, or during tests or foreseeable breakdowns;
p) instructions to ensure that transport, handling and storage operations are carried out in complete safety, indicating the mass of the machinery and its various components when they are intended to be transported separately on a regular basis;
q) The operating procedure to be followed in the event of an accident or breakdown; if a blockage is likely to occur, the operating procedure to be followed to enable the machine to be safely unblocked;
r) A description of the adjustment and maintenance operations to be carried out by the user, and the preventive measures to be taken;
s) Instructions designed to enable adjustment and maintenance to be carried out in complete safety, including the protective measures to be taken during these operations;
t) Specifications concerning the spare parts to be used, where this has an impact on the health and safety of operators;
u) Information on the following airborne noise emissions:
the A-weighted emission sound pressure level at workstations, where this exceeds 70 dB (A); if this level is less than or equal to 70 dB (A), this must be stated;
the maximum value of the C-weighted instantaneous emission sound pressure at workstations, where it exceeds 63 Pa (130 dB in relation to 20 µPa);
the A-weighted sound power level emitted by the machine when the A-weighted emission sound pressure level at workstations exceeds 80 dB (A).
These values are either actually measured for the machine in question, or established on the basis of measurements taken for a technically comparable machine which is representative of the machine to be produced.
Where the machinery is very large, the indication of the A-weighted sound power level may be replaced by the indication of the A-weighted emission sound pressure levels at specified positions around the machinery.
Where harmonised standards are not applied, the acoustic data is measured using the most appropriate method for the machine. Where noise emission values are given, the uncertainties surrounding these values are specified.
The operating conditions of the machine during measurement and the methods used for measurement are described.
Where the workstation(s) are not or cannot be defined, the A-weighted sound pressure level is measured at 1 m from the surface of the machine and at a height of 1.60 m above the ground or access platform. The position and value of the maximum sound pressure level are indicated.
Where provisions resulting from the transposition of specific Community Directives lay down other requirements for the measurement of sound pressure or power levels, those provisions shall be applied and the corresponding requirements of this section shall not apply.
(v) Where the machinery is likely to emit non-ionising radiation which may harm persons, in particular persons with active or non-active implantable medical devices, information concerning the radiation emitted for the operator and exposed persons. Commercial documents.
The commercial documents presenting the machine do not contradict the instructions with regard to health and safety aspects. Commercial documents describing the performance characteristics of the machine contain the same information concerning emissions as the instructions.
2. Additional technical rules for certain categories of machinery.
Machinery intended for use in the foodstuffs industry, machinery intended for use in the cosmetics or pharmaceutical industry, hand-held or hand-guided machinery, portable fixing and other impact machinery, machinery for working wood and material with similar physical characteristics and machinery intended for pesticide application must comply with all the technical rules described in this part in accordance with item 4 of the general principles at the beginning of this annex (1).
2.1. Machinery intended for use in the food industry and machinery intended for use in the cosmetics or pharmaceutical industry.
2.1.1. General principles.
Machinery intended for use with foodstuffs or with cosmetic or pharmaceutical products is designed and constructed in such a way as to avoid any risk of infection, disease or contagion.
They must comply with the following rules:
a) Materials in contact or intended to come into contact with foodstuffs or cosmetic or pharmaceutical products must satisfy the conditions laid down by the provisions of the relevant Directives. The machine is designed and constructed in such a way that these materials can be cleaned before each use; where this is not possible, single-use components are used;
b) All surfaces in contact with foodstuffs or cosmetic or pharmaceutical products, other than the surfaces of disposable parts, are :
-smooth and free from any roughness or crevice likely to harbour organic matter, the same requirement applying to connections between two surfaces;
-designed and constructed in such a way as to minimise projections, edges and recesses in assemblies;
-such that they can be easily cleaned and disinfected, if necessary, after removal of easily dismantled parts; the connection fillets of the internal surfaces have a sufficient radius to allow complete cleaning;
c) Liquids, gases and aerosols from foodstuffs, cosmetics or pharmaceutical products, as well as cleaning, disinfecting and rinsing fluids, can be completely evacuated from the machine, if possible in a cleaning position ;
(d) The machinery is designed and constructed in such a way as to prevent any substance from seeping in, any living creature, in particular insects, from entering, or any organic matter from accumulating in parts which cannot be cleaned;
(e) Machinery must be designed and constructed in such a way that no ancillary product hazardous to health, including the lubricants used, can come into contact with foodstuffs, cosmetics or pharmaceutical products. Where appropriate, the machinery must be designed and constructed in such a way that it is possible to check that this requirement is complied with at all times.
2.1.2. Instructions.
The instructions for machinery intended for use in the food industry and machinery used with cosmetic or pharmaceutical products indicate the products and methods recommended for cleaning, disinfecting and rinsing, not only for easily accessible parts, but also for parts to which access is impossible or inadvisable.
2.2 Portable hand-held or hand-guided machines.
2.2.1. General information.
Portable hand-held or hand-guided machines have :
a) Depending on their type, a supporting surface of sufficient size and a sufficient number of gripping and holding devices of appropriate size, arranged in such a way as to ensure the stability of the machine under normal operating conditions;
b) Unless this is technically impossible or where there is an independent control device, where the gripping devices cannot be released in complete safety, are fitted with manual starting or stopping devices arranged in such a way that the operator does not have to release the gripping devices in order to activate them;
c) Do not present risks due to their unintentional start-up or to their continued operation after the operator has released the gripping devices; equivalent measures shall be taken if this requirement is not technically feasible;
d) allow, where necessary, visual control of the danger zone and of the action of the tool on the material being worked.
The gripping devices on portable machinery must be designed and constructed in such a way that they are easy to start and stop. Instruction manual.
The instructions give the following information concerning the vibrations emitted by hand-held and hand-guided portable machinery:
a) The total value of the vibrations to which the hand-arm system is exposed when it exceeds 2.5 m/ s ² or, where appropriate, a statement that this value does not exceed 2.5 m/ s ² ;
b) The measurement uncertainty.
These values are either actually measured for the machinery in question or established on the basis of measurements taken for technically comparable machinery which is representative of the machinery to be produced.
Where harmonised standards are not applied, vibrations are measured using the most appropriate measurement code for the machine.
The operating conditions of the machinery during measurement and the methods used for measurement or the reference of the harmonised standard applied are specified.
2.2.2. Portable fixing and other impact machinery. General information.
Portable fixing and other impact appliances are designed and constructed in such a way that :
-the energy is transmitted to the part subjected to the shock by the intermediate part which is integral with the device;
an enabling device prevents the impact if the machine is not correctly positioned with sufficient pressure on the base material; – unintentional triggering is avoided;
-unintentional triggering is prevented; if necessary, an appropriate sequence of actions on the enabling device and on the control device is required to trigger the shock;
-unintentional activation is prevented during handling or in the event of a collision;
-loading and unloading operations can be carried out easily and safely.
If necessary, the machine can be fitted with splinter guards and the appropriate guard(s) will be supplied by the machine manufacturer. Instruction manual.
The instruction manual gives the necessary information on:
-accessories and interchangeable equipment that can be used with the machine;
-the appropriate fasteners or other components to be exposed to impact which may be used with the machine;
-where applicable, the appropriate cartridges to be used.
2.3 Machines for working wood and materials with similar physical characteristics.
Machines for working wood and materials with similar physical characteristics comply with the following rules:
a) The machinery must be designed, constructed or equipped in such a way that the workpiece can be placed and guided in complete safety; where the workpiece is hand-held on a work table, the latter must ensure sufficient stability during the work and must not impede the movement of the workpiece;
b) Where the machinery is likely to be used in conditions involving the risk of workpieces or parts thereof being ejected, it is designed, constructed or equipped in such a way as to prevent ejection or, if this is not possible, to ensure that ejection does not engender risks for the operator or exposed persons;
c) The machinery is equipped with automatic brakes which stop the tool in a sufficiently short time if there is a risk of contact with the tool while it is slowing down;
d) Where the tool is incorporated into a non-fully automated machine, the latter is designed and constructed in such a way as to eliminate or reduce the risk of unintentional injury.
2.4. Machinery for pesticide application (2).
2.4.1. Definition.
“Machinery for pesticide application” means machinery specifically intended for the application of plant protection products within the meaning of Article 2(1) of Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 October 2009 concerning the placing of plant protection products on the market.
2.4.2. General information.
The manufacturer of machinery for pesticide application or the person responsible for placing it on the market shall ensure that an assessment of the risks of unintentional exposure of the environment to pesticides is carried out in accordance with the risk assessment and risk reduction process set out in 1° of the general principles at the beginning of this Annex. Taking account of this assessment, machinery for pesticide application shall be designed and constructed so that it can be operated, adjusted and maintained without unintended exposure of the environment to pesticides. Leaks are prevented at all times.
2.4.3. Control and monitoring.
The application of pesticides from workstations can be controlled and monitored easily and accurately and stopped immediately.
2.4.4. Filling and emptying.
Machines are designed and built in such a way as to facilitate accurate filling with the required quantity of pesticides and to ensure easy and complete emptying, while avoiding spillage of pesticides and contamination of the water supply during these operations.
2.4.5. Application of pesticides. Rate of application.
The machines are equipped with a means of adjusting the application rate easily, accurately and reliably. Distribution, deposition and drift of pesticides.
Machines are designed and constructed to ensure that pesticides are deposited on target areas, to reduce losses to other areas and to prevent any drift of pesticides into the environment. Where appropriate, even distribution and homogeneous deposition of pesticides are ensured. Testing.
In order to ensure that the corresponding parts of the machinery meet the requirements set out in points and, the manufacturer or the person responsible for placing the machinery on the market must, for each type of machinery concerned, carry out appropriate tests or have such tests carried out. Losses during standstill.
Machinery must be designed and constructed in such a way as to prevent losses when the pesticide application function is at a standstill.
2.4.6. Maintenance. Cleaning.
Machines are designed and built to allow easy and complete cleaning without contaminating the environment. Maintenance.
Machines are designed and built in such a way as to facilitate the replacement of worn parts without contaminating the environment.
2.4.7. Checks.
The measuring instruments required to check that the machines are operating correctly can be easily connected to the machines.
2.4.8. Marking of nozzles, screens and filters.
Nozzles, sieves and filters are marked so that their type and size can be clearly identified.
2.4.9 Indication of the pesticide used.
Machines are fitted with specific equipment on which the operator can indicate the name of the pesticide used.
2.4.10. Instruction leaflet.
The instructions include the following information:
a) Preventive measures to be implemented during mixing, filling, application, emptying, cleaning, maintenance and transport operations in order to avoid contamination of the environment ;
(b) The detailed conditions of use for the different operational settings envisaged, including the relevant preparations and settings required to ensure that pesticides are deposited on target areas while minimising losses to other areas, to prevent drift into the environment and, where appropriate, to ensure even distribution and homogeneous deposition of pesticides;
c) The variety of types and sizes of nozzles, screens and filters that can be used with the machines;
(d) The frequency of checks and the criteria and method for replacing parts subject to wear likely to affect the correct operation of the machines, such as nozzles, sieves and filters;
e) Requirements relating to calibration, daily maintenance, winterisation and other checks necessary to ensure that the machines are working properly;
f) The types of pesticides that can cause machinery to malfunction;
g) An indication, updated by the operator, on the specific equipment referred to in point 2.4.9, of the name of the pesticide used;
h) The connection and use of special equipment and accessories, and the necessary preventive measures to be implemented;
i) Indication that machinery may be subject to national requirements for periodic inspection by designated bodies in accordance with the procedures defined by these national requirements;
(j) the characteristics of the machinery which must be checked to ensure that it is working properly
k) Instructions concerning the connection of the necessary measuring instruments.
3. Additional technical rules to offset hazards due to the mobility of machinery.
All the technical rules described in this part apply to machinery presenting hazards due to its mobility in accordance with item 4 of the general principles at the beginning of this annex.
3.1 General points
3.1.1. Definitions.
(a) Machinery presenting hazards due to its mobility :
-machinery the operation of which requires either mobility during work, or continuous or semi-continuous movement between a succession of fixed workstations ;
-machinery which operates without being moved, but which may be fitted with means enabling it to be moved more easily from one place to another.
b) Driver: operator responsible for moving a machine. The driver can either be transported by the machine, accompany the machine on foot or guide it by remote control.
3.2. Workstations.
3.2.1. Driving position.
Visibility from the driving position is such that the driver can operate the machine and its tools in foreseeable conditions of use in complete safety for himself and for exposed persons. Where necessary, appropriate devices must be provided to remedy hazards resulting from inadequate direct vision.
Machinery on which the driver is transported must be designed and constructed in such a way that, from the driving position, there is no risk to the driver if he accidentally comes into contact with the wheels or tracks.
The driving position of the ride-on driver is designed and constructed in such a way that it can be fitted with a cab, provided that this does not increase the risks and that there is space for it. The cab must include a place for storing the instructions needed by the driver.
3.2.2. Seating.
Where there is a risk that operators or other persons being transported by the machinery could be crushed between parts of the machinery and the ground if the machinery overturns or tips over, in particular in the case of machinery fitted with a protective structure as referred to in sections 3.4.3 or 3.4.4, their seat is designed or fitted with a restraint system so as to keep the persons in their seat without impeding either the movements necessary for the work or the movements in relation to the structure resulting from the suspension of the seats. These restraint systems are not installed if they increase the risk.
3.2.3. Positions intended for other people.
If the conditions of use provide that persons other than the driver may occasionally or regularly be transported by the machinery or work on it, appropriate posts shall be provided to enable such transport or work to be carried out without risk.
The second and third subparagraphs of paragraph 3.2.1. also apply to places provided for persons other than the driver.
3.3. Control systems.
If necessary, measures must be taken to prevent unauthorised use of the controls.
In the case of remote controls, each control unit must clearly indicate which machine or machines are to be controlled by the unit in question.
The remote control system is designed and constructed in such a way as to have an effect only on :
-the machine concerned ;
-the functions concerned.
The remote-controlled machine is designed and constructed in such a way as to respond only to signals from the control units provided.
3.3.1. Operating controls.
From the driving position, the driver can operate all the controls needed to operate the machine, except for those functions that can only be operated safely by controls located elsewhere. These functions include, in particular, those for which operators other than the driver are responsible or for which the driver leaves the driving position in order to control them safely.
Where there are pedals, they shall be designed, constructed and arranged in such a way that they can be operated safely by the driver with the minimum risk of false operation. They must have a non-slip surface and be easy to clean.
Where the actuation of control devices may lead to risks, in particular dangerous movements, these devices, except those with predetermined positions, return to the neutral position as soon as the operator stops actuating them.
In the case of wheeled machinery, the steering mechanism is designed and constructed in such a way as to reduce the force of sudden movements of the steering wheel or steering lever resulting from impacts on the steered wheels.
Any control for locking the differential must be designed and arranged in such a way that it allows the differential to be unlocked when the machine is in motion.
Paragraph 1.2.2, sixth subparagraph, concerning audible or visual warning signals applies only in the case of reversing.
3.3.2. Starting/moving.
Self-propelled machinery with a ride-on driver can only be moved if the driver is at the controls.
Where, for operating purposes, a machine is equipped with devices that exceed its normal clearance (e.g. stabilisers, jib, etc.), the driver must have the means to check easily, before moving the machine, that these devices are in a defined position allowing safe movement.
The same applies to all other components which, to allow safe movement, must be in a defined position, locked if necessary.
Where no other hazards are involved, movement of the machinery is subject to the above-mentioned components being in a safe position.
The machine is designed and constructed in such a way that unintentional movement cannot occur when the engine is started.
3.3.3. Displacement function.
Without prejudice to the regulations relating to road traffic, self-propelled machinery and trailers are designed and constructed in such a way as to comply with the rules for slowing down, stopping, braking and immobilisation, ensuring safety under all operating, load, speed, ground and gradient conditions.
Self-propelled machinery must be designed and constructed in such a way that its driver can slow it down and stop it by means of a main device. Where safety so requires, in the event of failure of the main device or in the absence of the energy needed to actuate this device, an emergency device with a fully independent and easily accessible control unit allows slowing and stopping.
Where safety so requires, a parking device is provided to keep the machine stationary. This device may be combined with one of the devices referred to in the second paragraph, provided that it is a purely mechanical device.
Remote-controlled machinery is fitted with devices enabling it to stop automatically and immediately and to prevent potentially dangerous operation in the following situations:
-when the driver has lost control ;
-when a stop signal is received;
when a fault is detected in a safety-related part of the system;
-when no validation signal has been detected within a specified time.
Paragraph 1.2.4 does not apply to the displacement function.
3.3.4. Movement of pedestrian-controlled machines.
Movement of pedestrian-controlled self-propelled machinery is only possible if the driver continuously actuates the corresponding control device. In particular, movement must not occur when the engine is started.
The control systems for pedestrian-controlled machines are designed to minimise the risks due to unexpected movement of the machine towards the driver, in particular the risks of:
-crushing ;
-injury caused by rotating tools.
The speed at which the machine moves is compatible with the speed of a driver on foot.
In the case of machines on which a rotating tool may be fitted, this tool may not be activated when reverse gear is engaged, except where the movement of the machine results from the movement of the tool. In the latter case, the speed in reverse is such that it does not present a danger to the driver.
3.3.5. Control circuit failure.
The machine is designed and constructed in such a way that a failure in the power supply to the power steering, where it exists, does not prevent the machine from being steered for the time necessary to stop it.
3.4. Protection against mechanical risks.
3.4.1. Non-controlled movements.
Machinery is designed, constructed and, where appropriate, mounted on its mobile support in such a way that, during movement, uncontrolled oscillations of its centre of gravity do not affect its stability or exert excessive stresses on its structure.
3.4.2. Moving transmission components.
As an exception to paragraph, in the case of engines, movable guards preventing access to movable parts in the engine compartment are not fitted with a locking device if, in order to open them, it is necessary to use a tool or key or to operate a control located in the driver’s compartment, provided that the driver’s compartment is located in a fully enclosed cab fitted with a lock preventing unauthorised persons from entering.
3.4.3. Turning over and tipping.
Where, for self-propelled machinery with a ride-on driver, and possibly ride-on operators or other persons, there is a risk of overturning or tipping, the machinery is fitted with an appropriate protective structure, unless this would increase the risk.
This structure must be such that, in the event of overturning or tipping, it guarantees an adequate deflection-limiting volume for the persons carried.
In order to verify that the structure meets the requirement referred to in the second paragraph, the manufacturer must carry out appropriate tests or have such tests carried out for each type of structure.
3.4.4 Falling objects
Where, in the case of self-propelled machinery with a ride-on driver and possibly ride-on operators or other persons, there is a risk due to falling objects or materials, the machinery must be designed and constructed in such a way as to take account of this risk and must be fitted, if its dimensions allow, with an appropriate protective structure.
This structure must be such that, in the event of falling objects or materials, it guarantees an adequate deflection-limiting volume for the persons carried.
In order to check whether the structure meets the requirement referred to in the second paragraph, the manufacturer must carry out appropriate tests or have such tests carried out for each type of structure.
3.4.5. Means of access.
Handrails and steps must be designed, constructed and laid out in such a way that operators use them instinctively and do not use the control devices to facilitate access.
3.4.6. Towing devices.
All machinery used to tow or intended to be towed is fitted with towing or coupling devices designed, constructed and arranged in such a way as to ensure easy and safe coupling and uncoupling and to prevent unintentional uncoupling during use.
Where the load on the drawbar so requires, these machines are fitted with a support with a bearing surface adapted to the load and the ground.
3.4.7. Transmission of power between the self-propelled machine (or tractor) and the receiving machine.
Removable mechanical transmission devices connecting self-propelled machinery or a tractor to the first fixed bearing of recipient machinery must be designed and constructed in such a way that, over their entire length, any part in motion during operation is protected.
On the self-propelled machinery or tractor side, the power take-off to which the removable mechanical transmission device is attached is protected either by a guard fixed and linked to the self-propelled machinery or tractor, or by any other device providing equivalent protection.
This guard can be opened to gain access to the removable transmission device. Once it is in place, sufficient space remains to prevent the drive shaft from damaging the guard when the machine (or tractor) is in motion.
On the receiving end, the drive shaft is enclosed in a protective casing attached to the machine.
The presence of a torque limiter or a freewheel is only authorised, for the cardan transmission, on the side where it is attached to the receiving machine. In this case, the removable mechanical transmission device must be marked with the mounting direction.
All recipient machinery whose operation requires the presence of a removable mechanical transmission device connecting it to self-propelled machinery or a tractor must have a system for attaching the removable mechanical transmission device in such a way that, when the machinery is uncoupled, the removable mechanical transmission device and its guard are not damaged by contact with the ground or with any part of the machinery.
The external parts of the guard must be designed, constructed and arranged in such a way that they cannot rotate with the removable mechanical transmission device. The guard must cover the transmission up to the ends of the inner jaws in the case of simple universal joints and at least up to the centre of the outer joint(s) in the case of wide-angle universal joints.
If access to workstations is provided close to the removable mechanical transmission device, it must be designed and constructed in such a way as to prevent the guards of these shafts from being used as steps, unless they are designed and constructed for this purpose.
3.5. Measures to protect against other risks.
3.5.1. Accumulators.
The battery housing is designed and constructed in such a way as to prevent electrolyte from splashing onto the operator, even in the event of overturning or tipping, and to avoid the accumulation of vapours in the areas occupied by the operators.
The machine is designed and constructed in such a way that the batteries can be disconnected using an easily accessible device provided for this purpose.
3.5.2 Fire.
Depending on the risks foreseen by the manufacturer, the machine is designed and constructed in such a way as to, if its dimensions allow:
-allow the installation of easily accessible fire extinguishers ;
-be fitted with extinguishing systems which are an integral part of the machine.
3.5.3. Emissions of hazardous substances.
Paragraph 1.5.13, second and third paragraphs, does not apply when the main function of the machine is to spray products. However, the machine is designed and constructed in such a way that the operator is protected against the risk of exposure to such hazardous emissions.
3.6 Information and indications
3.6.1. Signs, signals and warnings.
Every machine has signs or instruction plates concerning use, adjustment and maintenance whenever this is necessary to ensure the health and safety of persons. These must be chosen, designed and produced in such a way as to be clearly visible and indelible.
Without prejudice to the provisions of road traffic regulations, ride-on machines are fitted with the following equipment:
-an audible warning device to warn people ;
a light-signalling system taking account of the intended conditions of use; this last requirement does not apply to machines intended exclusively for underground work and without electrical power;
-where applicable, an appropriate connection between the trailer and the machine to operate the signals.
Remote-controlled machinery whose normal conditions of use expose persons to the risk of impact or crushing is fitted with appropriate means to signal its movements or with means to protect persons against these risks. The same applies to machinery the use of which involves constant to-and-fro movement on the same axis when the driver does not have a direct view of the area behind the machinery.
The machine must be constructed in such a way that the warning and signalling devices cannot be disabled unintentionally. Wherever essential for safety, these devices must be fitted with means of checking that they are working properly, and any fault must be made apparent to the operator.
When the movements of a machine or its tools are particularly dangerous, signs must be posted on the machine prohibiting approach while it is in operation. This signage must be legible from a sufficient distance to ensure the safety of any persons in the vicinity.
3.6.2. Marking.
Each machine is legibly and indelibly marked with the following information:
-the nominal power expressed in kilowatts (kW) ;
-the mass in kilograms (kg) in the most usual configuration, and, where applicable :
-the maximum drawbar pull in newtons (N) ;
-the maximum vertical load on the towing hook in Newtons (N).
3.6.3. Instructions. Vibrations.
The instruction manual gives the following information concerning the vibrations transmitted by the machine to the hand-arm system or to the whole body:
-the total value of the vibrations to which the hand-arm system is exposed when it exceeds 2.5 m/ s ² or, where appropriate, a statement that this value does not exceed 2.5 m/ s ² ;
the frequency-weighted root mean square value of the acceleration to which the whole body is exposed when it exceeds 0.5 m/ s ². If this value does not exceed 0.5 m/ s ², this must be stated;
-the measurement uncertainty.
These values are either actually measured for the machine in question, or established on the basis of measurements taken for a technically comparable machine which is representative of the machine to be produced.
When harmonised standards are not applied, vibrations are measured using the most appropriate measurement appropriate for the machine.
The operating conditions of the machine during measurement and the measurement codes used are described. Multiple uses.
The instructions for machinery allowing several uses depending on the equipment used and the instructions for interchangeable equipment contain the information necessary for the safe assembly and use of the basic machinery and the interchangeable equipment that can be fitted to it.
4. Additional technical rules to mitigate hazards due to lifting operations.
All the relevant technical rules described in this part apply to machinery presenting hazards due to lifting operations in accordance with 4° of the general principles at the beginning of this Annex.
4.1 General points
4.1.1. Definitions.
a) Lifting operation: operation of moving unit loads composed of objects or persons requiring, at a given moment, a change of level.
b) Guided load: a load whose entire movement is along rigid or flexible guides whose position in space is determined by fixed points.
c) Working coefficient: arithmetic ratio between the load that a component can retain, guaranteed by the manufacturer, and the maximum working load indicated on the component.
d) Test coefficient: arithmetic ratio between the load used to perform static or dynamic tests on a machine or lifting accessory and the maximum working load indicated on the machine or lifting accessory respectively.
e) Static test: a test which consists of inspecting the machinery or lifting accessory and then applying to it a force corresponding to the maximum working load multiplied by the appropriate static test coefficient and, after release, re-inspecting the machinery or lifting accessory to ensure that no damage has occurred.
f) Dynamic test: a test which consists of operating the lifting machinery in all its possible configurations, at the maximum working load multiplied by the appropriate dynamic test coefficient, taking account of the dynamic behaviour of the machinery, in order to check that it is functioning correctly.
g) Carriage: part of the machine in which people are seated or where objects are placed in order to be lifted.
4.1.2. Protective measures against mechanical risks. Risks due to lack of stability.
The machinery is designed and constructed in such a way that the stability required in paragraph 1.3.1 is ensured in service and out of service, including during all phases of transport, assembly and dismantling, in the event of foreseeable component failure and also during the performance of tests carried out in accordance with the instructions. To this end, the manufacturer shall use appropriate verification methods. Machinery running along guideways or on raceways.
The machine is fitted with devices which act on the guideways or tracks to prevent derailment.
However, if, despite the presence of such devices, there is still a risk of derailment or of failure of a guide or running gear, devices are provided to prevent equipment, components or the load from falling or the machine from overturning. Mechanical strength.
Machinery, lifting accessories and their components are designed and constructed in such a way as to withstand the stresses to which they are subjected in service and, where appropriate, out of service, under the installation and operating conditions provided for and in all possible configurations, taking account, where appropriate, of the effects of atmospheric factors and forces exerted by persons. These rules also apply during transportation, assembly and dismantling.
The machinery and lifting accessories are designed and constructed in such a way as to avoid failure due to fatigue and wear, taking into account the intended use.
The materials used must be chosen with due regard to the intended environments of use, particularly with regard to corrosion, abrasion, impact, extreme temperatures, fatigue, brittleness and ageing.
The machine and lifting accessories are designed and constructed to withstand overloads during static tests without permanent deformation or obvious defects. The strength calculations take into account the value of the static test coefficient, which is chosen so as to guarantee an adequate level of safety; as a general rule, this coefficient has the following values:
man-powered machinery and lifting accessories: 1.5 ;
-other machinery: 1.25.
Machinery is designed and constructed in such a way as to withstand without failure the dynamic tests performed with the maximum working load multiplied by the dynamic test coefficient. This dynamic test coefficient is chosen in such a way as to guarantee an adequate level of safety; as a general rule, this coefficient is equal to 1.1.
As a general rule, these tests are carried out at the nominal speeds provided for. If the machine control circuit authorises several simultaneous movements, the tests are carried out under the least favourable conditions, as a general rule by combining the movements in question. Pulleys, drums, rollers, cables and chains.
Pulleys, drums and rollers have a diameter compatible with the dimensions of the cables or chains with which they may be fitted.
Drums and rollers are designed, constructed and installed in such a way that the cables or chains with which they are equipped can be wound without leaving the groove.
Ropes used directly for lifting or supporting the load do not have any splices other than at their ends. However, splices are tolerated in installations which, by their design, are intended to be modified regularly according to the needs of use.
The working coefficient of the cable and termination assembly is chosen so as to guarantee an adequate level of safety. This coefficient is, as a general rule, equal to 5.
The working coefficient of the lifting chains is chosen so as to guarantee an adequate level of safety. This coefficient is, as a general rule, equal to 4.
In order to check whether the adequate working coefficient has been achieved, the manufacturer must carry out or have carried out the appropriate tests for each type of chain and rope used directly for lifting the load and for each type of rope termination. Lifting accessories and their components.
Lifting accessories and their components are dimensioned taking into account fatigue and ageing phenomena for a number of operating cycles in accordance with the expected service life under the operating conditions specified for a given application.
In addition :
a) The working coefficient of wire rope and termination assemblies is chosen so as to guarantee an adequate level of safety; this coefficient is, as a general rule, equal to 5. The ropes have no splices or loops other than those at their ends;
b) Where chains with welded links are used, they shall be of the short-link type. The working coefficient of the chains is chosen so as to guarantee an adequate level of safety; this coefficient is, as a general rule, equal to 4.
c) The working coefficient of textile fibre ropes or slings depends on the material, manufacturing process, dimensions and use. This coefficient is chosen so as to guarantee an adequate level of safety; it is, as a general rule, equal to 7, provided that it can be demonstrated that the materials used are of very good quality and that the manufacturing process is suitable for the intended use. If this is not the case, the coefficient is, as a general rule, set at a higher level in order to obtain an equivalent level of safety. Textile fibre ropes and slings have no knots, connections or splices other than those at the end of the sling or at the loop of an endless sling;
d) The working coefficient of all the metal components of a sling, or used with a sling, is chosen in such a way as to guarantee an adequate level of safety; this coefficient is, as a general rule, equal to 4 ;
e) The maximum working load of a multi-strand sling is determined on the basis of the working coefficient of the weakest strand, the number of strands and a reduction factor which depends on the slinging method;
f) In order to verify that the appropriate working coefficient has been achieved, the manufacturer must carry out or have carried out the appropriate tests for each type of element mentioned in points a, b, c and d. Movement control.
The motion control devices act in such a way that the machine on which they are installed remains in a safe condition.
a) Machinery is designed, constructed or equipped with devices in such a way as to keep the amplitude of the movements of its parts within the prescribed limits. The operation of these devices is, where appropriate, preceded by a warning.
b) Where several fixed or rail-mounted machines can operate simultaneously in the same place with risks of collision, these machines must be designed and constructed in such a way that they can be fitted with systems to avoid these risks.
(c) Machinery must be designed and constructed in such a way that loads cannot slip dangerously or fall unexpectedly, even in the event of partial or total failure of the power supply or when the operator stops operating the machinery.
(d) Machinery must be designed and constructed in such a way that it is not possible, under normal operating conditions, to lower the load solely under the control of a friction brake, except where the function of the machinery requires such application.
e) The gripping devices are designed and constructed in such a way as to avoid inadvertent dropping of the loads. Movement of loads during handling.
The layout of the machine workstation allows maximum monitoring of the trajectories of moving parts, in order to avoid any collision with people, equipment or other machines operating simultaneously, which could present a hazard. Load-guided machines are designed and built to prevent injury to persons as a result of movements of the load, the enclosure or any counterweights. Machines serving fixed landings. Movement of the carrier.
The carrier of a machine serving fixed landings moves along rigid guides towards the landings or at the landings. Systems guided by scissors are also considered to be rigid guides. Access to the passenger compartment.
Where persons have access to the carrier, the machinery is designed and constructed in such a way that the carrier remains stationary during access, in particular during loading and unloading.
The machinery is designed and constructed in such a way that the difference in level between the carrier and the landing served does not create a risk of tripping. Risks due to contact with the moving carrier.
Where necessary, in order to satisfy the requirement set out in the second paragraph of paragraph, the volume travelled is made inaccessible during normal operation.
Where, during inspection or maintenance, there is a risk of persons located under or above the carrier being crushed between the carrier and a fixed component, sufficient free space must be provided, either by means of refuges or by mechanical devices preventing the carrier from moving. Risks due to a load falling from the carrier.
Where there is a risk due to a load falling from the carrier, the machine is designed and constructed in such a way as to avoid this risk. Bearings.
Machinery must be designed and constructed in such a way as to avoid risks due to contact between persons on the bearings and the moving carrier or other moving parts.
Where there is a risk of persons falling in the area covered when the carrier is not present at the landings, guards are installed to prevent this risk. These guards are designed not to open on the side of the travel area. They are fitted with a locking device controlled by the position of the carrier, which prevents :
-dangerous movement of the passenger compartment until the guards are closed and locked ;
-dangerous opening of a guard before the carrier has stopped at the corresponding bearing.
4.1.3. Fitness for use.
When machinery or lifting accessories are placed on the market or put into service for the first time, the manufacturer must ensure, by taking appropriate measures or having them taken, that the machinery and lifting accessories ready for use, whether powered by man or engine, can perform their intended functions safely.
The static and dynamic tests referred to in paragraph are performed on all lifting machinery ready to be put into service.
Where the machinery cannot be assembled on the manufacturer’s premises, the appropriate measures are taken at the place of use. In any event, the measurements are taken either on the manufacturer’s premises or at the place of use.
4.2 Rules for machinery driven by energy other than human power.
4.2.1. Movement control.
The operating devices controlling the movements of the machine or its equipment require sustained action. However, for partial or complete movements for which there is no risk of collision with the load or the machine, these devices may be replaced by control devices allowing automatic stops at preselected positions without the operator having to operate the control continuously.
4.2.2. Load control.
Machines with a maximum working load of at least 1,000 kg or a tilting moment of at least 40,000 Nm are fitted with devices to warn the driver and prevent dangerous movements in the event of:
-overloading, by exceeding the maximum working load or the maximum working moment due to the load; or
-the overturning moment is exceeded.
4.2.3 Installations guided by cables.
Carrying, hauling or hauling-hauling cables are tensioned by a counterweight or by a device enabling the tension to be checked at all times.
4.3 Information and markings.
4.3.1. Chains, cables and straps.
Each length of lifting chain, rope or webbing that is not part of an assembly must be marked or, if marking is not possible, a plate or non-removable ring bearing the name and address of the manufacturer and identification of the corresponding certificate.
The above-mentioned certificate shall include at least the following information:
a) The name and address of the manufacturer ;
b) A description of the chain or cable including:
-nominal dimensions
-its construction
-the material of manufacture; and
-any special metallurgical treatment undergone by the equipment;
c) The test method used;
d) The maximum load to which the chain or rope should be subjected in service. A range of values may be indicated according to the intended applications.
4.3.2. Lifting accessories.
Each lifting accessory bears the following information:
-identification of the material when this information is necessary for safety in use ;
-maximum working load.
For lifting accessories on which marking is physically impossible, the information referred to in the first paragraph appears on a plate or other equivalent means firmly attached to the accessory.
This information must be legible and placed in such a way that it is not likely to disappear as a result of wear or to compromise the strength of the accessory.
4.3.3. Lifting machines.
The maximum working load is clearly marked on the machine. This marking must be legible, indelible and in clear text.
Where the maximum working load depends on the configuration of the machine, each workstation is fitted with a load plate giving, preferably in the form of sketches or tables, the working loads permitted for each configuration.
On machines intended solely for lifting objects and fitted with an enclosure that allows access for people, there is a clear and indelible sign prohibiting the lifting of people. This notice must be visible at each access point.
4.4. Instructions.
4.4.1. Lifting accessories.
Each lifting accessory or each commercially indivisible batch of lifting accessories is accompanied by instructions giving at least the following information:
a) Intended use ;
b) The limits of use (in particular for lifting accessories such as magnetic or vacuum suction pads which do not fully comply with the rules of paragraph, point e) ;
c) Instructions for assembly, use and maintenance;
d) The static test coefficient used.
4.4.2. Lifting machinery.
Each lifting machine is accompanied by an instruction manual which includes information concerning :
a) The technical characteristics of the machine, in particular:
-the maximum working load and, where appropriate, a copy of the load plate or table referred to in the second subparagraph of paragraph 4.3.3;
-the reactions at the supports or anchors and, where appropriate, the characteristics of the raceways;
-if applicable, the definition and means of installation of ballast;
b) The contents of the machine’s logbook, if it is not supplied with the machine;
c) Advice on use, in particular to remedy the operator’s lack of direct vision of the load;
d) Where applicable, a test report specifying the static and dynamic tests carried out by or for the manufacturer;
e) For machinery which is not assembled on the manufacturer’s premises in its configuration for use, the necessary instructions for taking the measures referred to in paragraph 4.1.3 before it is first put into service.
5. Additional technical rules for machinery intended for underground work.
All the relevant technical rules described in this part apply to machinery intended for underground work in accordance with item 4 of the general principles at the beginning of this annex.
5.1. Risks due to lack of stability.
Powered roof supports must be designed and constructed in such a way as to maintain a given direction when moving and not to overturn before and during pressurisation and after decompression. They have anchorages for the head plates of the individual hydraulic struts.
5.2. Circulation.
Powered roof supports allow unhindered movement of people.
5.3. Operating devices.
The acceleration and braking devices for moving machines on rails are designed and built to be operated by hand. However, the validation devices may be foot-operated.
The control devices for moving roof supports are designed and arranged in such a way that, during the shifting operation, the operators are sheltered by a support in place. The control devices must be protected against unintentional operation.
5.4. Stopping.
Self-propelled machines on rails intended for underground work are equipped with an enabling device acting on the control circuit for the movement of the machine such that the movement is stopped if the driver no longer controls the movement.
5.5. Fire.
The second indent of paragraph 3.5.2. is compulsory for machinery containing highly flammable parts.
The braking system of machinery intended for underground work must be designed and constructed in such a way as not to produce sparks or cause fires.
Machinery with an internal combustion engine intended for underground work is equipped exclusively with an engine using a fuel with a low vapour pressure and which excludes any spark of electrical origin.
5.6. Exhaust emissions.
Internal combustion engines are designed and constructed in such a way that exhaust emissions are not discharged upwards.
6. Additional technical rules for machinery presenting particular hazards due to the lifting of persons.
All the relevant technical rules described in this part apply to machinery presenting hazards due to the lifting of persons in accordance with item 4 of the general principles at the beginning of this Annex.
6.1. General points.
6.1.1. Mechanical strength.
The carrier, including hatches, is designed and constructed in such a way as to provide the space and strength corresponding to the maximum number of persons permitted in the carrier and the maximum working load.
The working coefficients of the components listed in paragraphs and which are not sufficient for machinery intended for the lifting of persons are, as a general rule, doubled. Machinery intended for lifting persons or persons and goods must be fitted with a suspension or carrier support system designed and constructed to ensure an adequate overall level of safety and to prevent the risk of the carrier falling.
Where cables or chains are used to suspend the carrier, as a general rule at least two independent cables or chains are required, each with its own anchorage.
6.1.2. Control of stresses for machines powered by energy other than human force.
The rules set out in paragraph 4.2.2 apply irrespective of the maximum working load and overturning moment, unless the manufacturer can demonstrate that there is no risk of overloading or overturning.
6.2. Operating devices.
Where the safety rules do not impose other solutions, the carrier is, as a general rule, designed and constructed in such a way that the persons inside it have means of controlling the movements of ascent, descent and, if necessary, other movements of the carrier.
These control devices have priority over any other device controlling the same movement, with the exception of emergency stop devices.
The control devices for these movements require sustained action, unless the passenger compartment itself is completely enclosed.
6.3. Risks for people inside the passenger compartment.
6.3.1. Risks due to movement of the carrier.
The machinery for lifting persons is designed, constructed or equipped in such a way that acceleration and deceleration of the carrier do not create risks for persons.
6.3.2. Risk of persons falling from the carrier.
The machinery is designed and constructed in such a way that the carrier cannot tilt to such an extent as to create a risk of the occupants falling, including when the machinery and carrier are in motion.
Where the carrier is designed as a workstation, its stability must be ensured and dangerous movements prevented.
If the measures referred to in paragraph 1.5.15 are not sufficient, the carrier must be fitted with a number of anchorage points appropriate to the number of persons likely to be in the carrier. The anchorage points are strong enough to allow the use of personal protective equipment designed to protect against falls from a certain height.
Hatches in the floor or ceiling or side doors are designed and constructed in such a way as to prevent inadvertent opening, and their direction of opening counteracts the risk of falling in the event of inadvertent opening.
6.3.3. Risks due to falling objects on the passenger compartment.
Where there is a risk of objects falling onto the passenger compartment and endangering people, the passenger compartment is fitted with a protective roof.
6.4. Machines serving fixed landings.
6.4.1. Risks to persons inside the carrier.
The carrier is designed and constructed in such a way as to avoid risks due to contact between persons or objects in the carrier and any fixed or moving part. Where appropriate, the carrier itself is completely enclosed with doors fitted with an interlocking device that prevents dangerous movement of the carrier when the doors are not closed. The doors remain closed if the carrier stops between two landings, when there is a risk of falling out of the carrier.
The machinery is designed, constructed and, where appropriate, fitted with devices to prevent uncontrolled upward or downward movement of the carrier. These devices can stop the carrier at its maximum working load and at the maximum foreseeable speed.
Stopping due to the action of this device does not cause deceleration that is dangerous for the occupants, in all load cases.
6.4.2. Controls located at the landings.
The machine is designed and constructed in such a way that the controls, other than those to be used in an emergency, located on the landings cannot trigger movements of the carrier when :
-the service parts of the carrier are operating ;
-the carrier is not at a landing.
6.4.3. Access to the carrier.
The guards at the landings and on the carrier are designed and constructed in such a way as to ensure safe transfer to and from the carrier, taking into account the foreseeable number of objects and persons to be lifted.
6.5. Markings.
The passenger compartment is marked with the information necessary to ensure safety, in particular:
-the number of people who may be in the carrier;
-the maximum working load.