I.-The provisions of Section 7 of Chapter I of Title I of Book VI of Part One mentioned in the left-hand column of the table below shall apply in French Polynesia, in the wording indicated in the right-hand column of the same table, subject to the adaptations provided for in II.
D. 1611-41 |
Decree no. 2020-556 of 11 May 2020 |
II -For the application of article D. 1611-41:
1° The first subparagraph of 1° is worded as follows:
For the application of Article L. 1611-3-2, municipalities, their groupings and their public establishments whose debt-reduction capacity, defined as the ratio between outstanding debt at the closing date of the accounts and gross savings for the past financial year and expressed in number of years, recorded during the penultimate financial year, is less than twelve years on average over the last three years, may join Agence France Locale;
2° In 1°, a, b and c are deleted;
3° In the fifth paragraph of 1°, the word “euro” is replaced by the word “CFP franc”;
4° In the first paragraph of 2°, the words: “local authorities, their groupings and local public establishments” are replaced by the words: “communes, their groupings and their public establishments”.