I. – The subscription form drawn up with a view to marketing units in the funds mentioned in 1 of VI, VI bis and VI ter of article 199 terdecies-0 A of the General Tax Code and in 1 of III of article 885-0 V bis of the same code shall include the following information in particular, in the form of a table:
1° The total amount of the initial payment actually made, including the entry fee, expressed in euros ;
2° The maximum percentage of the subscription to the fund, likely to be deducted at the time of subscription, corresponding to entry fees. This maximum percentage, defined before the fund is set up, is identical for all subscribers to the same fund;
3° The amount of the entry fee actually deducted at the time of subscription;
4° The maximum number of years during which marketing and placement fees and commissions may be charged;
5° The maximum average annual management and distribution fee referred to in 4° of Article D. 214-80;
6° The maximum average annual distributor fee mentioned in 3° of Article D. 214-80.
II. – If the fund rules of the fund referred to in Article D. 214-80 provide that the units of this fund may give rise to different rights to the net assets or income of this fund, the key investor information document shall include the following information:
1° The percentage of the fund’s income and capital gains net of charges allocated to these units with differentiated rights once the nominal value of the ordinary units has been reimbursed to the subscriber;
2° The minimum percentage of the total initial subscriptions to the fund, in accordance with the procedures defined by order of the Minister responsible for the economy, that holders of units with differentiated rights must subscribe to in order to benefit from the percentage referred to in 1° ;
3° Where provided for, the conditions governing the fund’s profitability that must be met for holders of units with differentiated rights to qualify for the percentage referred to in 1.
III. – In the subscription form for ordinary units in the funds referred to in Article D. 214-80, subscribers confirm that they are aware of the marketing, placement and management fees that may be charged and consent to these fees being deducted, subject to the maximum period referred to in 4° of I of this Article and the maximum rates referred to in 5° and 6° of the same I.
The subscription form also states that the front-end load can be negotiated by the subscriber with the distributor.