The regulations of the funds referred to in 1 of VI, VI bis and VI ter of article 199 terdecies-0 A of the General Tax Code and in 1 of III of article 885-0 Va of the same code contain the following information:
1° A table containing the following information:
a) In rows, the aggregate categories mentioned in article D. 214-80-1. These categories are subdivided, line by line, by type of charge mentioned in the same article, distinguished according to whether the recipient is the distributor or the manager;
b) In the columns, the following information
i) Description of the aggregate category of fees and commissions ;
ii) Description of the type of fees and commissions charged;
iii) Rules for capping fees and commissions, as derived from the application of Article D. 214-80. These rules are expressed as a percentage and, where applicable, a description of this percentage;
iv) Rules for calculating and capping fees and commissions set out in the fund rules referred to in Article D. 214-80, where these rules are expressed as a proportion of bases other than those referred to in iii) of b. These rules are expressed in terms of a base, a rate or a scale and, where applicable, a description of these bases, rates or scales;
v) Recipient of fees and commissions. This recipient is designated as either the manager or the distributor, even in cases where these two categories of recipient pass on these fees to other categories of final beneficiaries;
2° An exhaustive description of the specific arrangements for sharing the capital gain. This presentation immediately follows the table provided for in 1°.