The deduction of fees and commissions borne by subscribers of units in mutual funds mentioned in 1 of VI, VI bis and VI ter of article 199 terdecies-0 A of the French General Tax Code and in 1 of III of article 885-0 V bis of the same code is authorised subject to compliance with the following conditions:
1° The key investor information document describes the services for which these fees and charges are remunerated. These fees and commissions are broken down, by type, into the aggregate categories mentioned in Article D. 214-80-1 of this Code. This document shall identify the marketing and placement fees and charges clearly separately from the management fees and charges levied by the funds mentioned in this article;
2° These fees and commissions are paid by the subscriber in accordance with the terms and conditions set out in Article D. 214-80-2;
3° Total marketing and distribution fees and commissions, calculated as a non-discounted annual average over the life of the fund, including any extensions, shall not exceed a percentage, referred to as the “maximum average annual distributor fee rate”, of the total initial subscriptions. This amount is calculated in accordance with procedures specified by order of the Minister for the Economy. Compliance with this ceiling is also assessed over the lifetime of the fund, including any extensions;
4° Total marketing, placement and management fees and commissions, calculated as an undiscounted annual average over the life of the fund, including any extensions, do not exceed a percentage, referred to as the “maximum average annual management and distribution fee rate”, of the total initial subscriptions, set by the management company. Compliance with this ceiling is also assessed over the lifetime of the fund, including any extensions;
5° For each type of fee and commission mentioned in Article D. 214-80-1, total fees and commissions, calculated as an undiscounted annual average, shall not exceed a percentage, referred to as the “maximum average annual fee rate per type”, of the total initial subscriptions, set by the management company.