The amount allocated to an employee under the profit-sharing agreement is recorded on a separate sheet from the pay slip.
This sheet mentions :
1° The total amount of the special profit-sharing reserve for the past financial year;
2° The amount of rights allocated to the person concerned;
3° The deduction made in respect of the general social contribution and the contribution to the reimbursement of the social debt;
4° If applicable, the organisation entrusted with the management of these rights;
5° The date from which these rights are negotiable or payable;
6° The cases in which these rights may exceptionally be liquidated or transferred before the expiry of this period;
7° The terms and conditions for the allocation by default to the collective retirement savings plan or the collective company retirement savings plan of the sums allocated by way of profit-sharing, in accordance with the provisions of article L. 3324-12.
It also includes, as an appendix, a note setting out the calculation and distribution rules provided for in the profit-sharing agreement.
Unless the employee concerned objects, this separate sheet may be provided electronically, under conditions that guarantee the integrity of the data.